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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2014 in all areas

  1. I have removed the ability for members to view who has given reputation to their post(s). You'll still be able to see how many points your post has, but you'll no longer be able to click the number and view the individual votes. The only users on WebFlake capable of viewing these individual votes are Staff.
    4 points
  2. WebFlake is officially accepting applications for our Support Team! What does the Support Team do? Members of the team will be tasked with handling any and all support requests submitted, and will have the ability to lock, delete, move, and edit any support topic on our site. Wait, why do we need a Support Team when Staff does all of that already? We don't. However, we have plenty of members throughout WebFlake with exceptional skills across a myriad of platforms, software, etc. These users exemplify the type of dedication and passion that any webmaster should aspire to replicate. We feel that these members should be recognized and given additional access to assist them in their endeavors in fulfilling support requests. Are there any perks to the job? No, and you shouldn't expect any. The position is completely volunteer. You will gain access to our +Donator area and a Support Team forum where you'll be able to interact with Staff and other members of the Support Team. You'll also have a shiny new Support Team title and username color affixed to your profile. What are the expectations? Aside from meeting discretionary criteria, we only ask that you devote a respectable amount of time to our Support areas. We won't require you to fill a quota or log a specific amount of hours, but if we find that you're failing to meet reasonable standards, you will be dismissed from the team. What is this criteria you speak of? It's completely discretionary. Only Staff are privy to what it is. Great! How do I sign up? Copy / paste the format below, fill it out to the best of your abilities and submit the application in a response to this topic. Each hiring window lasts approximately seven (7) days, after which we will close the topic to additional replies (with a notification) and begin our evaluation process. The number of users we select may vary based on the number of applicants. If you are selected, we will contact you directly with additional details and/or questions. Additional Notes: Please remember to toggle the markup button () on before pasting the application, then toggle it back off. This avoids unsightly BBCode markup displaying from simple copy/pasting. When rating your English, please use whole numbers only and not decimals. If you have no answer or cannot provide an answer for any of the questions, simply enter N/A. If you fail to use the format below, you will be automatically disqualified. For "skills", please offer details (along with a rating if you wish) on what experience you have with each particular software. Please do not apply if you are affiliated with any other site similar to WebFlake. This application process can be adjusted at any time, at Administration's discretion. It is your responsibility to ensure you're updated with the information provided. Application Format: [b]Username: [/b] [b]First Name: [/b] [b]Age: [/b] [b]Rate your English out of 10: [/b] [b]Additional languages spoken: [/b] [b]Software specialization: [/b] [b]IPB skills: [/b] [b]XenForo skills: [/b] [b]vBulletin skills: [/b] [b]WordPress skills: [/b] [b]HTML / CSS skills: [/b] [b]Other qualifications: [/b] [b]What can you bring to the team? [/b]
    1 point
  3. Now I will never know who loves me . . .
    1 point
  4. there http://imgur.com/vDzwPMH,t5WIEOO#1 and in case if your background is black here's one with white text http://imgur.com/vDzwPMH,t5WIEOO#0
    1 point
  5. haha thankyou can't believe i missed that. +1 & Solved i r no read dumb me, it now fix
    1 point
  6. Have you done the template edits it tell you too in the readme.html file?
    1 point
  7. Hi send email to all members and say need to be reset passwords. or you can use [vn] sticky message to show message to visitor and say this.
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately no, I built a hackintosh (Mac OSX is my home, and always will be) I might be able to look around for you though. EDIT: looking at various sites, your budget should be able to accomidate something decent. EDIT 2: I'm not super intriguied by mobile gaming, therefore my knowledge on the nvidia "m" cards is well, not the best, however, this seems like a pretty nice laptop. I'm not totally sure about the benchmarks, I'm sure there is a video on youtube/vimeo/whatever that'll show you that information I hope I was some help.
    1 point
  9. I had to move this from the Off-Topic Lounge to the Webmaster Lounge because you didn't do it yourself. I'm not going to warn you this time, as you're a relatively new member, but make sure you know the difference between the two.
    1 point
  10. I agree with the clog up. The announcements are filled with reminders. I would like to see some more cool Announcements and Updates they use to do within that forum. All the reminders that the site already has is enough. Making a reminder topic just adds more clutter. Like he stated above just Warn | Ban | Suspend them. This is a resource site, a site that helps other people. If they want to abuse the features this site offers, then ban them. Then they will realize that they need Webflake, not Webflake needs them.
    -1 points
  11. Username: Skreamzja First Name: John Age: 20 Rate your English out of 10: 9 Additional languages spoken: N/A Software specialization: IP.Board IPB skills: 9.99/10 XenForo skills: 7/10 vBulletin skills: 6/10 WordPress skills: 7/10 HTML / CSS skills: 10/10 Other qualifications: I'm a skin developer and graphical designer. What can you bring to the team?: Let's just say I know how the site rolls and how to manage sites like these, So I have a fair bit of knowledge and understatement of the jobs and what needs to be done. I'm here to help and provide with support.
    -1 points
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