Just a reminder... advertising is still not permitted on WebFlake.
It's not as confusing as it sounds. You may advertise a site or service using any of these three choices:
Signature - you can paste a link, an image, etc to the site of your choosing, including sites that offer services such as hosting. You're welcome to link to your marketplace topic, if you have one. You may not reference your signature in any topic or post. i.e. "Hey, check out my signature for hosting!" is not acceptable. If people notice it, they will click on it. Please remember to follow all signature guidelines.
Marketplace - you may create a service topic in our marketplace, advertising your service with imagery, links, etc. You can make the topic as elaborate as you like (within the confines of our guidelines), and discuss your service(s) there. You may not bump the topic, or even link to it in other discussions. If users are seeking your particular service, they will navigate to the marketplace and click on it.
Paid Ad - sometimes you will notice ads that are not linked to professional companies. These ads are provided by freelance users who pay for advertising space within our community. Only regular members and guests will see these ads.
I've seen users linking to their marketplace topic in a variety of discussions throughout the forum, which is not permitted. The only exception to this rule is if a user explicitly requests a 'ripped' skin, and you happen to provide that sort of service.
For example: User A posts a topic in IP.Board Requests and writes: "I'm looking to have the skin at ThisDomain.com ripped. Can someone do this?". User B comes along and says "Sure! I have a skin ripping service located here: webflake.sx/topic/123-skin-rip-topic".
This is permissible. If the user does not request a ripped skin, you may not advertise a ripping service. You may not enter another user's topic regarding the creation of a new website, and promote your hosting service. These sort of responses will earn you warnings and habitual offenses will result in deletion of your service topics / signatures / etc, or worse.. a ban.