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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2014 in all areas

  1. We're pleased to announce the newest addition to our Junior Moderators: Norg. Hailing from the UK, from parts unknown, Iain has been a contributing member here at WebFlake for some time, who I've had the personal pleasure of building a wonderful rapport with. He's already won over a few members of our team, so his addition was really a no-brainer. You'll find him hustling his way through support and the occasional backdoor upload. Be sure to give him a warm WebFlake welcome, and put his ass to work!
    1 point
  2. DarkXess, Davlin did not remove your privilege to send private messages. I would not have blamed Davlin for prohibiting you because you sent him some very nasty messages - but he didn't do it. I did. Your private messages privilege will not be restored.
    1 point
  3. Its not classed as harassment at all. Please do read more about harassment before you go and comment of such thing
    -1 points
  4. No No No ... you see, you misunderstand! this isnt at all about the warnings and the personal messanger! the warnings are not about me pm-ing him, its about me bumping my topic and so called being abusive to another member. I sent a pm to him debating my warning and as a result lost my pm function all together - so, you see - you dont know. Anyways, I cant be doing with more warnings or a possible ban so im not going to argue with you, I just want my PM function back
    -1 points
  5. Can I please have my personal messaging rights back now? Yes I used it to complain to Davlin about my warnings and I no way at all abused him etc, I just questioned my warnings given to me by him and that is my right to do so. But now my moderation period is over can I have the PM ability back? It is all I am wanting, and as my sanctions are now over I dont see why I cant have it back. If this is about Davlin not wanting to reply my messages then its simply, put me on ignore - besides my warnings are over now so I have no need to contact him again. Thanks.
    -1 points
  6. Hey Evarni - its been what now, a month or more since you disabled my PM ability, well yes maybe I deserved it but its not fair that i've had to go without it for so long so do you mind enabling it now? You have seen i'm no trouble around here, yes I had some things wrong in the past "bumping" and so called "calling another member" and then REPLYING a PM to Davlin arguing my reason of being warned! and now its over, I wish no more trouble or arguing with anyone, so please can you enable it? Thanks.
    -1 points
  7. When will you ever let the past be? I am not being abusive now am I? even after all this your saying and putting in the shoutbox have I yet come back to abuse you? Why you cant just let the past go, its over! simple as that. It was months ago, in fact almost a year! and 1 time of being stupid with the stupid remarks I made doesnt make me an abusive person for life does it? so can you just drop it now, I have asked many times for you to just stop and you keep going on at it just like you want to provoke me so that you can then ban me or something. Well its not going to happen, What I did in the past is done, I am sorry for that. Now everyone deserves a 2nd chance and as you now see I am still being polite in all this, so... stop! please. Thank you again.
    -1 points
  8. Sorry, I am not chancing in putting the link here, I am not allowed to send PM's too so ...
    -2 points
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