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  1. Norg



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2014 in all areas

  1. Haha, thank your for that truly incredible introduction I really appreciate the opportunity that's been placed in front of me.
    3 points
  2. We're pleased to announce the newest addition to our Junior Moderators: Norg. Hailing from the UK, from parts unknown, Iain has been a contributing member here at WebFlake for some time, who I've had the personal pleasure of building a wonderful rapport with. He's already won over a few members of our team, so his addition was really a no-brainer. You'll find him hustling his way through support and the occasional backdoor upload. Be sure to give him a warm WebFlake welcome, and put his ass to work!
    1 point
  3. Congrats, Norg. I have been on Webflake for sometime now, and have seen the Staff pass by. I hope your one that stays and makes this community one step higher then the rest.
    1 point
  4. Congrats, welcome to the team!
    1 point
  5. Congrats! Lurk Lurk Lurk, there is spammers and juveniles amongst us!
    1 point
  6. did you recache & rebuild the your forum?? or skin applied to?? also did you clear your computers cache?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Since Norg forgot to tell you this - yeah, we appreciate your feedback, and it's a great feeling to know that some members out there care for the work we do, but this thread wasn't really necessary. I understand that the forum is called "Feedback, Ideas, and Questions", but we're talking about the feedback that's going to make us a better community. Seeing as this thread isn't the right kind of feedback we're looking for out of this forum, and that this isn't either an idea or question, I'm going to keep this locked.
    1 point
  9. Me and the other Staff on here appreciate the positive feedback. Thank you for the kind words.
    1 point
  10. Congrats on the promotion, glad to have you with us.
    1 point
  11. Huge congrats buddy, a much deserved promotion. I know you'll do this community proud.
    1 point
  12. Welcome to the team Iain, glad to have you on board.
    1 point
  13. Welcome to the team Iain, I'm sure you will continue to impress us no doubt.
    1 point
  14. acp > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups> Display Name Display Name Changes Must have o posts in order to change display name. Leave blank for no restriction. Can change display name 0 times per days Enter 0 for the number of times to never allow name changes or enter -1 to allow unlimited changes. also acp > System Settings > Members > Username Restrictions Display Name Restrictions Allow display names Yes If enabled, the member can choose a "Display Name" that is separate from their "Log in UserName". This is REQUIRED when using non-internal authentication methods. Maximum display name length The maximum number of characters that a display name can be. Revert Prohibit display names from selecting log in names Yes If "yes", one is not able to choose a display name that is the same as another's display name OR another's log in name. If "no" one is not able to choose a display name that is the same as another's display name only.
    1 point
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