What version of ipbtracker are you using? This error was fixed in version 2.10
If you have that version
Look & Feel > Template Tools
Rebuild Master Skin Data
CLick all boxes on left and right and then click rebuild
Then go to top and rebuild all skin cache.
IP.Nexus is better option for this, but if you have Subscription Manager and now install IP.Nexus you can convert Subscription Manager Packages automatically and do what you need to do then
Merged this "rate my new header" topic with the old showcase topic. They're essentially the same thing, as a website review covers the header. Fairly common sense.
I really like the whole skin in general. It looks really nice and clean in my opinion, but If I were you I would lower the opacity of those controllers a little bit more. They are kind of distracting from the logo and the rest of the theme in my opinion.
Who made the theme?
for the feedback system to be underneath the custom profile fields go to ACP > Hooks > Feedback Information [TopicView] and click the little pencil edit icon at the right and side then click files tab, scroll down to The hook 'ID' and change it to authorcfields then change the Position of template hook to (pre.endif) Before the if statement ends
You take this code
.reputationPositive {
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 5px;
color: white;
float: right;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0px -1px 0px;
background: #8db13e url('{style_images_url}/highlight_faint.png') repeat-x 0 1px;
and place it in the very bottom of the ipb_styles.css for your skin..
Ok sounds like your ftp program uploaded some of the files as ascii(text) when they should have been uploaded as binary.
Delete the nexus files and upload the nexus files again and make sure your ftp program is set to binary upload.
You can also use file manager in the cpanel. This usually does a good job recognizing the binary files.
Here you go in template Board Index > hookDonateSidebar find and remove <if test="!$this->settings['devfuse_copy_num_free']"> <div class='ipsType_smaller desc lighter ipsPad short'>Donate Sidebar by <a href='http://www.devfuse.com' title='View DevFuse home page'>DevFuse</a></div> </if>