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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2014 in all areas

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for one of the best sites of this kind on the web... You are appreciated!
    2 points
  2. This is what I get with it placed here in userinfopane <if test="postCount:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"} {$this->lang->words['m_posts']} </li> </if> <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> <li> <if test="hasWarningId:|:$options['wl_id']"> <img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options['wl_id']} )' title='{$this->lang->words['warnings_issued']}' /> </if> <a class='desc lighter blend_links' href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=warnings&amp;member={$author['member_id']}&amp;from_app={$this->request['app']}&amp;from_id1={$contentid}&amp;from_id2={$options['id2']}" base="public"}' id='warn_link_{$contentid}_{$author['member_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['warn_view_history']}'>{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['warn_status'], $author['warn_level'] )"}</a> </li> </if> <li class="pairsJustified">Reputation: <span class="fc reputationPositive">{parse expression="$this->lang->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</span> </li> </ul>
    1 point
  3. Usually means you have changed the boardindex template or global template with bad code. Could be cause by a hook. So start diabling hooks until it shows again.
    1 point
  4. I know your trying to make it easier for him but with him requesting what he wants i'm just providing the answer and like i said he can easily convert Subscription Manager to IP.Nexus with just 1 click
    1 point
  5. Either would work, I just think Nexus has a bunch of bells and whistles that aren't really needed if all he's using it for is subscriptions. It's definitely the better and more versatile app though, no question.
    1 point
  6. Yes you can run Subscription Manager, but i think the app he is requesting is IP.Nexus but what i think is good that if you run Subscription Manager first and set up your Subscriptions packages, then install P.Nexus and it asks if you want to convert Subscription Manager to IP.Nexus
    1 point
  7. Subscription Manager. http://webflake.sx/files/file/1663-subscription-manger-121/ If you're running 3.3.x try downloading version 1.2.0 instead.
    1 point
  8. I would buy an SSL Certificate and install it on your server to use with your site. So you and your members will be safe from hackers trying to steal your members personal information.
    1 point
  9. Hey there! I would personally use the Trader Feedback system ( As to the legal issues, I have no idea, sorry!
    1 point
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