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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Create a blank text file. add the following in to it: function auto_anonymize(){auto_anonyminize()}function auto_anonyminize(){var e=window.location.hostname;if(protected_links!=""&&!protected_links.match(e)){protected_links+=", "+e}else if(protected_links==""){protected_links=e}var t="";var n=new Array;var r=0;t=document.getElementsByTagName("a");a_to_va=t.length;n=a_to_fa();r=n.length;var i=false;var s=0;var o="";for(var u=0;u<a_to_va;u++){i=false;s=0;while(i==false&&s<r){o=t[u].href;if(o.match(n[s])||!o||!o.match("http://")){i=true}s++}if(i==false){t[u].href="http://dereferer.org/?"+o;a_to_vb++;a_to_vc+=u+":::"+t[u].href+"n"}}var a=document.getElementById("anonyminized");var f=document.getElementById("found_links");if(a){a.innerHTML+=a_to_vb}if(f){f.innerHTML+=a_to_va}}function a_to_fa(){var e=new Array;protected_links=protected_links.replace(" ","");e=protected_links.split(",");return e}var protected_links="";var a_to_va=0;var a_to_vb=0;var a_to_vc="" Save and rename to anonymize.js FTP it into the js folder in your IPB root. In your ACP, edit your themes global template (Global Template > global template) Go ALL way to bottom, and right before: </body> </html> Paste this: <script src="/public/js/anonymize.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"><!--protected_links = "";auto_anonymize();//--></script> Now your links should be nicely defered. Note, you can change "http://dereferer.org/?" (in the newly created anonymize.js file you uploaded ) to any of the below: "http://dereferer.org/?""'http://anonym.to/?""http://dereferer.com/""http://hideref.org/?"
    1 point
  2. Free web hosting powered by cpanel include: 5GB web space (10GB on demand) 50GB traffic (100 GB on demand) 6 addon domain (max 10 on demand) 6 mysql(max 10 on demand) Web site bulder included Auto installer included(word press,joomla,phpbb3,smf 2,...+ more than 50 other) No ads your ads alowed SEO plugin with 100+ tools(not attracta) Free domain and subdomain alowed Q:how to get "on demand".A : just send suport ticket Register direct at http://www.xhoster.info or Sign Up at http://forumvojnik.org and you will get account automaticly by default after few hours. Account can be moved to paid server(zet-host.com) at any time, users can choose hepsia or cPanel paid hosting but with free hosting you can go for a long time,it's stable web hosting.
    1 point
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
  4. Hi there, Go straight to the AdminCP and remove the skin. I wouldn't use anything that's been edited with links etc. -Moderator Snip-/forum/admin/
    1 point
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