When you have both IP.Downloads and IP.Nexus installed, you can make use of paid files in IP.Downloads.
Setting up Paid Files
First of all, make sure both applications are installed and enabled. If you have just installed IP.Nexus, you must first go to Admin CP --> My Apps --> IP.Nexus so it can perform it's initial check and convert data from IP.Subscriptions if necessary.
Now, go to Admin CP --> My Apps --> Download Manager. You should see a new menu item called "Paid File Settings".
From here, enable paid files and set the commission you want to make from each sale. If only you the admin will be listing paid files, just set it to 100%.
Next, you need to set which groups can submit paid files. This can be done under Admin CP --> Members --> Manage User Groups, under the "Download Manager" tab for each group.
That is all you need to do to set up the integration. Those with permission will now see the option when uploading a file in IP.Downloads to set a price for the file.
Paying Out Earnings
If you have set up IP.Downloads and IP.Nexus to allow your users to upload paid files and earn money (i.e. you have not set the commission amount to 100%) you can allow them to request a payout of their earnings.
First, set which gateways you want to be available for payouts. Both Manual Payments and PayPal are enabled by default - if you want to change this you can do so by going to Admin CP --> My Apps --> IP.Nexus --> Payment Gateways, clicking a gateway name and toggling the "Supports Payouts?" setting.
Next, you must enable payouts under Admin CP --> My Apps --> IP.Nexus --> Settings. The applicable settings are under the "Credit Payout" header.
Users can now request a payout in the client area (accessible from the user dropdown in the top-right corner of any page on your community) under the "Account Credit" section.
Once a user requests a payout, you will see a notification on the front page of your Admin CP - this will include a link to view all pending payout requests. To fill one, simply click the tick icon and follow the on-screen instructions, or, press the delete button to ignore the request.