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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Why on earth are you trying to manage a website then? Being a webmaster isn't all sparkles and patty cakes. It requires effort, and yes, learning to follow guides or tutorials for installing or using a variety of content. We're a webmaster community who is always willing to help fledgling webmasters, but looking at a guide and saying "fuck it, it's too hard" doesn't make you a webmaster, it makes you appallingly lazy and clearly shows you have no business even attempting to administrate a site. It's not my place to tell you how to run your site if you desire to try it, but I won't tolerate having our support forums cluttered with dimwitted topics that you created without putting any effort into following the advice we give you. I literally spoon fed the steps to you on replacing a favicon which is quite possibly the simplest of tasks for any webmaster. All you had to do was replace a damn file! It's an insult to other users here who have legitimate support topics that need resolved. Would a driving instructor even remotely consider testing you on the road if you can't figure out how to turn the damn key to start the car? Obviously not. In your case, someone has to lead you to the car and put your ass in the seat for you. Google "how to run a website", read the first ten pages of results.. then head over to the IPS Support Area (click the link if it's not too hard) and thoroughly review the articles available to at least get a basic grasp of what you're even doing. Otherwise, consider joining someone else's community and learn what a forum even is before trying to create your own.
    3 points
  2. Introduction This guide will help you through the installation process and get CometChat running on your site. Installation is very straight forward, only taking about 5 minutes from uploading the files to viewing the CometChat bar on your site. Before you begin, you will need an FTP client, if you do not have one, some popular solutions include FileZilla (free) or CuteFTP (trial). You do not need programming knowledge to install CometChat, but a working knowledge of FTP functions is a plus. This guide assumes that you have successfully downloaded the latest release of CometChat and have the zip file "unzipped" and ready to go. If not, you can download the package from your client area. The instructions will term the zip file you downloaded as cometchat.zip. Uploading At this point, you should have the zip archive cometchat.zip and find a single folder- "cometchat". If you don't know already, find out the folder in which Invision Power Board is installed. If you access your Invision Power Board site via 'http://www.domain.com' then look for the webroot directory. The "webroot" directory is usually 'public_html' or 'www', but this varies from server to server so if you're unsure, contact your hosting provider. Using your FTP client, copy the cometchat folder inside your Invision Power Board folder. e.g. http://www.domain.com/cometchat Installation Step 1 You should now run the installer file through your web browser by entering the URL to it into your browser address bar (if you have followed our example, type in http://www.domain.com/cometchat/install.php, naturally substituting 'domain.com' for your web address). If the installation was completed successfully, then two lines of HTML code will be displayed on your screen. Please copy these two lines. Step 2 Now edit your template header. Login to your IPB Admin Control Panel (usually http://www.domain.com/forums/admin) Under the Look & Feel tab, click on the skin name in which you want to add the bar. Now under Global Templates, select globalTemplate. Immediately after the opening head tag add the copied code: <head> Now delete install.php file from the cometchat folder. That's all! Now log-in to your site and you will be able to see the CometChat bar. For customizing the text, icons, plugins, theme and modules, please refer to other documents. http://www.cometchat.com/documentation/installing-cometchat/ready-integrations/ipb
    2 points
  3. Hello Macfionn, What you are looking at is 'permission sets', not member groups. When you created your new groups, you probably selected to use an existing permission set rather than create a new one. Within your ACP, edit your newly created group and scroll down to Permissions where you can type in a new permission set name. You can create seperate ones, or you can make all your new groups share the same set. Regards, TJKeeran
    1 point
  4. In Hooks makes sure Group Name Indicator Is Above Members Online Today, here look:
    1 point
  5. I would suggest that you PM Davlin, Give him the details you have stated above and no doubt the problem will be resolved.
    1 point
  6. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
  7. It's a hook http://webflake.sx/files/file/1015-flag-mod/
    1 point
  8. how can i change "Copyright © 2014 Your Company Name"
    -1 points
  9. thanks for your reply but is it possible to change it from AdminCP ?
    -1 points
  10. -1 points
  11. where can i find field name
    -1 points
  12. i did but nothing is change
    -1 points
  13. hello , i tried to install Cometchat , but i can't find the right way plz tell me how
    -1 points
  14. -2 points
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