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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Glad to see new users on WebFlake - you'll fit in just fine, welcome!
    1 point
  2. Welcome to Webflake, pal!
    1 point
  3. ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > globalTemplate CTRL+F Find; copyright and remove the copyright line.
    1 point
  4. Hey there! As far as I know, there is no way to prevent global moderators from viewing IP's on IP.Board. However, you can either do one of the following: 1. Create the user a forum moderator who has power in every forum. 2. Use this hook: Note: Global Moderators cannot see Administrators IP's anyway with or without the hook. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
  5. AdminCP > System Settings > Recount & Rebuild Rebuild the forums and topics.
    1 point
  6. The Look & Feel tab in the admin panel allows you to fully customize your IPB forum. Skins must be chosen depending on your IPB version number. There are plenty of web sites on the Internet that provide free and commercial skins / templates for Invision Power Board forums. STEP 1Click on Import New Skin Set and scroll down the page. The Import section will allow you to import downloaded templates. For that purpose, you need to de-compress the files to your computer first. The folder with the decompressed files should contain 2 important files with similar names: ipb_skin_name.xml.gz images-ipb_skin_name.xml.gz They should be uploaded using the respective import form on the page: STEP 2Import images-ipb_skin_name.xml.gz under Import Image Set section and ipb_skin-listed.xml.gz under Import Skin Set. File names may vary but the point here is to make sure that you are uploading .xml.* files. STEP 3After you are done importing the files, click on Skin Tools -> Rebuild Skin Set Cache to rebuild the cache of the new template. STEP 4Go to Skin Manager and click the button to make it default for your installation.
    1 point
  7. The smudging is alright, the lensflare... not so much.
    1 point
  8. How to set up Twitter Connect First, you must create a Twitter application by visiting this URL. You must have a Twitter account to create an application. You will be presented with a form asking for some information about your "application": Fill in the form with the following information: Application Icon, Application Name, Application Description You can fill these settings in as you desire to represent your community. Application Website This should be the main URL to your community. For example, we would enter http://webflake.sx/ Organization, Website If applicable, you can fill these in, or leave them blank. For example, we would enter "Invision Power Services" for Organization and "http://www.webflake.sx/" for Website. Application Type This should be set to "Browser". Callback URL This should be set to your community's URL, followed by "/interface/twitter/index.php". For example, we would enter http://webflake.sx/interface/twitter/index.php Default Access type This should be set to "Read & Write". Use Twitter for login You must tick this box. Once you have filled in the form successfully, you will be shown a screen, which has two important keys: On your IP.Board installation, go to Admin CP --> System Settings --> Twitter Connect. Toggle the "Enable Twitter Connect" setting to yes, and enter the "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret" keys into the spaces provided. Once you have saved these settings, Twitter Connect should be set up successfully on your community. [source: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/documentation/index.html/_/tutorials/general-tutorials/twitter-connect-r349]
    1 point
  9. The design is nice. But you're using articles from other sites and building your homepage with them. Not good. 2/10
    1 point
  10. You'll get used to it. Basically, there are a lot of people who only care about one thing . . . that they get what they want. They will ignore all rules, because they feel their questions are more important than the rules. This is the main reason we removed the shoutbox at the old site.
    1 point
  11. Hello I'm using IPB 3.3.4 and I've been experiencing a little bit of a problem lately and it's a problem with making an application I want to make a simple application that redirects you to another link so I want it to be listed in the forum icons above (forums , members , etc....) I tried to make an application and I've put an HTML that redirects and when I tried to acces it said "Error" I'd be greatful if any of you helped me out with my problem Thanks
    -1 points
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