Subscribers have been renamed to +Donators effective March 15th, 2014
Our next set of updates involves our Subscriber and Donator member groups.
This update brings about significant changes that I will carefully outline below.
This announcement brings about the end of "priority support". I'm sure the initial reaction will not be a positive one, so allow me to explain why we are dropping priority support.
Our turnover ratio for answered support topics is far larger in the public area. This is the biggest factor.
Priority support has been provided solely by our Staff team, comprised of just nine individuals. We love busting our rumps for this community, but at times it is overwhelming.
Despite it being a "perk", it was often times a nuisance to have users creating duplicate topics in both the premium area and the public support forums.
What now? We're moving priority support to the public area.
Our support for each platform will now be centralized in the public area.
Topics created by Subscribers will be tagged and flagged. Tagged to indicate that they should receive "preference" (priority no longer applies), and flagged to prevent archiving under any circumstances.
We believe this will increase our ability to provide better support exponentially, and clean up some redundancies in the forum.
Over the course of the next 24 hours, the Donator group will be phased out.
But why!?
The Donator concept is fundamentally flawed. The difference between Subscribers and Donators is minimal: one has access to premium content and the other does not. Admittedly, our Subscriber content has been lacking which has increased the pressure to create separation between the two groups.
The original purpose of the Donator group was to pay homage to those who have donated to WebFlake in the past, but the bottom line is.. either you're an active Subscriber or you're not. The Donator group is not only confusing to have but it infringes upon our Subscriber features. Make no mistake, we are grateful to every user who has generously donated to WebFlake, but we simply cannot continue appropriately funding this community by allowing one-and-done donations.
An overwhelming majority of those in the Donator group are inactive, and donating once shouldn't warrant being moved into a group that has lifetime, unlimited downloads with no caps. Instead, users will receive a special badge for donating at least once. There will no longer be any special perks associated with being a previous donator. You must maintain an active subscription to enjoy the benefits of what it has to offer.
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