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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey, As CEO of Prentahost.com I would like to introduce Prentahost to the community of Webflake, As you might have seen the prices, We are really cheap and affordable. Please note that we only Allow people to use Their domains with our Plans and we do not allow Domain registrations. Atleast 9 Chat opperator's are available 24/7 So we can assist you faster then ever. Managed means really Managed! What will we do when you purchase a managed plan? We will help you with anything you need assistance with for free, Un-Managed plans will need to pay a extra fee of $2.50 for our Support on software installations. Our prices are starting from only $0,99/Monthly! Click here to go to our website Regards, Prentahost CEO - Arman K.
    1 point
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