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  3. Kingy


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2014 in all areas

  1. ok not quite sure if this is what you want but use ftp/file manger and edit file adminsourcesclassesbbcodecustomdefaults.php find //----------------------------------------- // Adding rel='nofollow'? //----------------------------------------- $rels = array(); $rel = ''; $_title = ''; /* Fetch actual host for better matching */ $data = @parse_url( $option ); if ( $this->settings['posts_add_nofollow'] ) { if ( ! stristr( $data['host'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) { $rels[] = "nofollow"; } } if ( $this->settings['links_external'] ) { if ( ! stristr( $data['host'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) { /* Look a little closer */ $rels[] = "external"; $_title = $this->lang->words['bbc_external_link']; } } if ( count($rels) ) { $rel = " rel='" . implode( ' ', $rels ) . "'"; } return "<a href='{$option}' class='bbc_url' title='{$_title}'{$rel}>{$content}</a>"; change the {$option} in the last lien to the http that you want it to go .
    1 point
  2. Recache your Skin Cache using the Template Tools in your ACP.
    1 point
  3. Go into ACP > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > {your skin} > Edit Replacement Variables and replace the following with <span class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_orange' style='vertical-align: top; margin-left: 5px;'>NEW</span> f_cat_unread f_pass_unread f_unread t_unread t_unread_dot f_newpost
    1 point
  4. Hi there, When adding group customization, both the username and the group name will be the same colour unless you use a hook called "Custom name styles" which allows users to pick their own username colour from a colour pallet, and a choice to have bold, italics, strikeout and/or glow/shadow. To download this hook, click the link below. Anyway, for custom usergroup format customization, there is two settings that you will need to fill out. To add formatting for a group, go to Admin CP --> Members --> Manage User Groups --> select the group you wish to add formatting for. The two settings that you will need to fill out is: [*]Group Formatting Prefix - This is what is added before the group name [*]Group Formatting Suffix - This is what is added after the group name Much like HTML coding, if you start a tag in the prefix, you end the tag by putting a / in the suffix. For example, if you wanted to change the colour of the usergroup you'd do the following: In the prefix type: <span style='color:red'> And in the suffix type: </span> With the colours, you would obviously change "Red" to the colour of your choice. You can even use # colours like #5a5a5a for grey. --------------------------------------------------------- Now for Bold: In the prefix: <strong> In the suffix: </strong> --------------------------------------------------------- Making italic In the prefix: <em> In the suffix: </em> --------------------------------------------------------- For strikeout you would do the following: In the Prefix you would have: <S> And in the Suffix you would have: </S> --------------------------------------------------------- You can even have multiple together for example: If you would like the colour red and strikeout you would put: In the Prefix: <S><span style='color:red'> And in the suffix you would put: </span></S> Remember, every time you type in a tag, to close the tag using a / otherwise it will NOT work. --------------------------------------------------------- I hope that clears it up for you - If you have any question then please ask. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
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