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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2014 in all areas

  1. Yes, we need to have a source we can trust. We know all to well there are allot of blackhats out there that edit the code to either just add some backlinks or steal entire databases and or personal information. If webflake establishes itself as a trustworthy source, it drives traffic and popularity. I am as most of your users not familair with the scen and who i can trust and who i can not. That beeing said i am certain webflake staff and associates do not go over every nulled piece of script available for download, as such i can only conclude there is a percentage wich is harmfull. If webflake puts trust in it's nullers and only allows these to be uploaded it creates sources your users can trust and in return drives traffic. Team WF? If you allow the same piece software that is nulled 10 to 20 times over and available for download it does not make sense to anyone. Whats different, what did this nuller do that the other one didn't, are they exactly the same, does it contain harmfull code? The market is completely open for ppl wanting to cause your userbase harm.
    1 point
  2. HSBC was, but recently got promoted to the junior moderator group.
    1 point
  3. After years if considering this proposal, I don't really feel that this is a good idea. Too many members say they know how to null but, most only repack other nulls and claim they are there's. I've come to the point where I only trust known respected nulling groups or myself, Paradiizee and Hidden Ninja.
    1 point
  4. I really want to see that movie called "Wolf of Wall Street" I love Leonardo! He is so cute and never ages....
    1 point
  5. They are bots but,maybe not "spam" bots.Block the IP range.
    1 point
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