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  1. Tony



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  3. Kingy


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2014 in all areas

  1. I've seen this suggestion before, and my opinion on the matter hasn't changed one bit: it's a concept that just wouldn't work. We already have our Uploader group and I believe that to be quite sufficient as these users are trusted enough to be able to submit quality content without having their content sit in queue awaiting Staff's review and approval. As has been pointed out already, there are far too many people on WebFlake who have their own interpretation of a "null" and what would make an exceptional null. I for one, have no interest in seeing the WebFlake community promise become one of ambiguity. I also feel that it's a complete and utter senseless waste of time for Staff to have to continually review alleged "nulls" when we have an internal list of acceptable sources. There are already trustworthy sources out there, and I believe that Staff (as well as our Uploaders) are more than capable of finding and sharing that content here. I'm not opposed to leaving this topic open.. feedback is obviously always welcome, but if you're not prepared to defend your suggestion from constructive criticism Onlkyl, then I suggest you move on from this topic until you've grown a thicker skin.
    2 points
  2. BornToBe pretty much hit the nail on the head. HSBC was the only user in the Uploader usergroup but has recently been promoted to Junior Moderator. We have no set requirements to become eligible for the uploader group other than upload good quality and clean files that meet our upload policy. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
  3. Omg and what did i say? -.- I said that he did not null latest version of ipb so i did -.-
    1 point
  4. So what are you actually saying there should be group of webflake members that goes to other forums and takes nulled versions of other nulling team and change links in their files and then post on webflake? Okay guess im that other null team and i make in all my nulled products backdoors aka php shell just for lolz then you born2be and your leeching team come to me and take all those my files and products that i nulled before and remove mine links and put webflake links and post here. Guess what gonna happen after? Yeah all members from webflake that download those files will be next targets. Think before you act and say something in future please!
    1 point
  5. And you are getting off topic.
    -1 points
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