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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2013 in all areas

  1. Users who have the hook installed with their IPB 3.4.x package, may have noticed an oddity with their View New Content page (something similar to the image below): If you are experiencing this issue, it is caused by the aforementioned hook. You'll need to make one small edit and you'll be all set. Navigate to: <Your IPB Root>/Hooks/tbGfSkinSearch_xxxxx.php [*]The "xxxxx" substitutes the string of random characters attached to your file. Find this line: $data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf']; ... and replace it with this: /*$data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'];*/ Save your edit, and refresh your page -- fixed! I strongly recommend downloading a copy of the file, making the edit, and then re-uploading it to avoid any issues with the upload. Editing the file inside of FTP programs such as Filezilla is not always efficient. [*]Credits to Paradiizee for working with me to find a fix for this. Be sure to thank him! [*]Please Note: This is only a temporary fix until the hook's original author makes the appropriate updates for full 3.4.x support.
    1 point
  2. On behalf of WebFlake Staff, I'd just like to wish all of you celebrating Christmas this year, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! It's been awhile since I posted, and I just couldn't miss posting for one of my favorite holidays. Please be mindful of any weather, travel safe, and enjoy your holiday! - Davlin & WebFlake Staff
    1 point
  3. The HTML should be where ever you want the slider to be on your website, the css should be imported on that same page as should the js. Save them as a .css and .js file and import them from within the html page you're putting the slider on. Assuming you want it to display on the index page of your forum, the html would go somewhere in "boardIndexTemplate". The CSS you can call by adding a css file to the skin (CSS>add css file). The JS you can import in the <head> tags of your "globalTemplate". Assuming you would put that .js file in your skin's images folder it would look something like this: <script src="{style_images_url}/slider.js"></script>
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone, I started to play a bit with Photoshop, and I would like to show you my first web design. Tell me what you think about it, and what would be good to change. I could do web designs for you, you just need to ask. Thank you, and have a good day.
    1 point
  5. Hello Guyz, I forum icons suited to this theme : http://www.ipbforumskins.com/premade/wireless/index.phpAnd I don't want standard type, for each forum I need a different icon. If this is much I am asking for then I am ready to pay. For Reference to make icons for each forum : http://gamersplace.us
    -1 points
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