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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2013 in all areas

  1. He has done it before! Anyhow, the skin is looking amazing. You may have some competition with "IP.Boards" phpBB skin conversion! Can't wait until I see the final thing, you've got a amazing talent buddy!
    2 points
  2. He is the best one on here, no offence guys. He always helped me out, fixed any issues i had. I wonder where my site would be today, if Lock Down weren't registered on WebFlake..
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Click Here - Star your sig is fixed
    1 point
  5. I made this and just wanted to share some screenshots. Please, do not flame me for just wasting my time making this. Thanks. http://bit.ly/19BHLXP The Index http://bit.ly/1cfSRE2 Forumdisplay http://bit.ly/1gJWns6 Showthread http://bit.ly/1jo9kKl Fully-Functional Account Drop-Down Note: the "Members Online" block is not real. The HTML of it is just a placeholder until I finish coding the real one. The hardest part of making the theme was replicating the breadcrumbs. Currently, I am working on the theads (t-heads). Next, will come the two-column forum alignment on the index.
    1 point
  6. Lock Down is indeed a special part of this community, WebFlake is lucky to have him stick around.
    1 point
  7. Or, you can use this code instead. <script> <!-- var ScrollMsg= "{$header_items['title']}" var CharacterPosition=0; function StartScrolling() { document.title=ScrollMsg.substring(CharacterPosition,ScrollMsg.length)+ScrollMsg.substring(0, CharacterPosition); CharacterPosition++; if(CharacterPosition > ScrollMsg.length) CharacterPosition=0; window.setTimeout("StartScrolling()",150); } StartScrolling(); // --> </script> So instead of having to go to the skin every time you want to change it, you can just edit it in the Community Name settings.
    1 point
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