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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2013 in all areas

  1. This will enable you to change the default white background of the different editors to match your skin. Standard Editor Login to the Admin CP Click on the Look & Feel Tab Click on the Skin name Click on CSS Click on ipb_editor.css Find this code: #ipboard_body .input_rte { width: 100%; height: 250px;} Change the code to (replacing the colours with the hex value of your choice): #ipboard_body .input_rte { background-color: #000; color: #fff; width: 100%; height: 250px;} Rich Text Editor Open the folder publicjs Open the file ips.editor.js (save a copy in case you make a mistake) Find the following (line 1100 if not changed) ips_frame_html += " background: #FFFFFF;n"; Add this underneath: ips_frame_html += " color: #fff;n"; Your code should look like this (replacing the colours with the hex value of your choice): ips_frame_html += " background: #000;n"; ips_frame_html += " color: #fff;n"; Save the file. You will need to hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) on Windows.
    1 point
  2. Have you spoke to Star about your request? He's extremely good and I'm sure he'd be able to create something for you.
    1 point
  3. Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find: and replace it with this: Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
    1 point
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