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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2013 in all areas

  1. So Far So Good , I really would like to say there are a lot of great tutorials, And a whole lot of other stuff that can help me out. I'm very grateful to be a member of this community. Thank you Staff team and members of WebFlake.sx For making Tut's on the website to help me out. I will try my best to make some Tut's for ipb, But i'm sure you got all the tut's So ill try my best and thank you again for ll your help -Dr Flake
    2 points
  2. Hi there, Recently I've seen a couple of topics relating to a issue regarding the download system on WebFlake which is preventing users from downloading any files. The error occurs when attempting to download a file from WebFlake which you will then be brought to an error similar to the one below which then after refreshing will still bring you no joy. The fix for this error is clearing all cache and cookies or just your cache/cookies related to WebFlake. If you do not know how to clear your cache and cookies on your web browser I have attached image and text tutorials below to help on the most common web browsers. (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari) Note: If you have a download enhancer installed then try disabling this as the WebFlake download system is not compatible with any third-party download enhancers. Google Chrome: Internet Explorer: Mozilla FireFox Safari If you are receiving the error: "You may not download any more files until your other downloads are complete" Then unfortunately the only solution we have found regarding this error is to just wait it out, return back after some time and try downloading another file. This error is usually due to unreliable connections. The download has stopped on the client side, but the server is still trying to send the file. The downloads will timeout eventually and the server will reset allowing you to download another file. I hope this has cleared up any problems any users may be having while trying to download a file from WebFlake. If you proceed to still have problems using the download system please comment below and I'll try and help you. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
  3. Thank you for your feedback. It is nice to know our members really do appreciate our work.
    1 point
  4. So, as some idiot ripped this from me and decided to post it and in the process, completely mess it up, I've decided to post the original tutorial myself (including the correct formatting, correct code and correct images!), enjoy! This tutorial will show you how to add extra contact fields to members profiles and make them clickable links. This mod will take the user's username and add it on the end of the url you specify so it will work for almost any site that uses that format. Example: User adds "SomeName" to the field, the mod will turn it into "http://www.someplace.com/SomeName" Compatibility :- These were all added during IPB 3.1.2 and still work perfectly in IPB 3.4.4 Uploads :- Save as "profile_facebook.gif" (without the quotation marks) Save as "profile_twitter.gif" (without the quotation marks) Save as "profile_youtube.png" (without the quotation marks) Save as "profile_steam.png" (without the quotation marks) First off lets upload all the icons we will need! [*]Right-click and save the icons above. (You may use your own but keep the same file name) [*]Open up your FTP program [*]Navigate to to public/style_extra/cprofile_icons [*]Upload the images you saved to this folder. Thats the easy bit done! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding The Custom Fields [*]Login to your ACP and select the Members Tab [*]Select the Custom Profile Fields link [*]Click the Add Field icon [*]Use the information below to add the custom profile field. Leave everything else not listed blank/set to No. After you have entered the information below click Add Field. Facebook [*] Field Title: Facebook [*]Description: Enter just your Facebook name here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_facebook.gif [*]Field Key: facebook [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes Twitter [*] Field Title: Twitter [*]Description: Enter just your Twitter username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_twitter.gif [*]Field Key: twitter [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes YouTube [*] Field Title: YouTube [*]Description: Enter just your YouTube username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_youtube.png [*]Field Key: youtube [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes Steam [*] Field Title: Steam [*]Description: Enter just your Steam username here [*]Field Type: Text Input [*]Profile Group: Contact Methods [*]Profile Icon: public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png [*]Field Key: steam [*]Maximum Input: 0 [*]Display Order: 0 [*]Field can be edited by the member?: Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you have setup the profile Fields just the skin edits left to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skin Edits Login to your ACP and navigate to the Look & Feel tab Select the skin you want. Under the Templates tab select Profiles Select "customFieldGroup_contact" *IMPORTANT* Take a copy of the info in the template and save it in notepad in case of problems. Find :- <if test="cf_skype:|:$f->raw_data['pf_key'] == 'skype'"><a class='url' href='skype:{$f->parsed}?call'>{$f->parsed}</a><else /> Add After :- <if test="cf_facebook:|:$f->raw_data['pf_key'] == 'facebook'"> <a class='url uid' rel="me" href='{$f->parsed}'>{$f->parsed}</a> <else /><if test="cf_twitter:|:$f->raw_data['pf_key'] == 'twitter'"> <a class='url uid' rel="me" href='{$f->parsed}'>{$f->parsed}</a> <else /><if test="cf_youtube:|:$f->raw_data['pf_key'] == 'youtube'"> <a class='url uid' rel="me" href='{$f->parsed}'>{$f->parsed}</a> <else /><if test="cf_steam:|:$f->raw_data['pf_key'] == 'steam'"> <a class='url uid' rel="me" href='{$f->parsed}'>{$f->parsed}</a> <else /> Find:- </if> Add after:- </if></if></if></if> That's it - done! Edit to add... Preview:-
    -1 points
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