I'm very surprised your even moaning about this. WebFlake provides free resources. If you don't want to have a download limit go to IPS and use their marketplace. This isn't going to be changed.
You can donate if it bugs you that much.
ya..we can do this..like here.
Other Apps > Downloads > Customization Custom Fields > Add new custom field.
Then just fill in the details.
And if you want to force user to enter this field and cannot be left blank then select YES for the option Field MUST be completed and not left empty?
I hope this helps broda.
Let me know if you need help.
Best of luck
I have posted an answer..try that bro (Y)
Only if you believe in paying $25 to $35 for a ripped skin when you can buy the original skin for that price, otherwise all the marketplace does is allow members to advertise their services with impunity.