Just a quick reminder:
If you intend to actively participate in our Marketplace, either as a service provider or customer, please familiarize yourself with our Marketplace Guidelines.
Specifically, flaming and trolling will not be tolerated. If you believe a service rendered was really a scam, please report the topic to Staff with additional information in the report. We cannot recover any lost investments / funds, but we can certainly close the topic and/or ban the service provider. Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands by posting belligerent messages or threatening the service provider. If you feel the need to contact them, do it directly via whatever contact information they provided to you (i.e. their "support site"). We can appreciate how frustrating it may be to receive a service differing from what you expected, but as our Marketplace Guidelines clearly state, any services purchased are done so at your own risk.
Any user found to be in breach of our guidelines will be locked out of our Marketplace indefinitely. We will not be issuing anymore warnings or reminders.