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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2013 in all areas

  1. This issue was fixed. For everybody else experiencing this: Go into your browser's settings and clear your Cache AND all Cookies related to webflake.
    3 points
  2. There are two methods of fix go to ACP -> Look & Feel -> choose skin -> Manage Template & CSS - Editor and click Revert EditorloadJS or add to the EditorloadJS template <script type="text/javascript">IPS_extra_plugins = [];</script> This will fix the editor box missing and the reply functions not working. It is basically down to the skin not being compatable with 3.4.x
    1 point
  3. Just a quick reminder: If you intend to actively participate in our Marketplace, either as a service provider or customer, please familiarize yourself with our Marketplace Guidelines. Specifically, flaming and trolling will not be tolerated. If you believe a service rendered was really a scam, please report the topic to Staff with additional information in the report. We cannot recover any lost investments / funds, but we can certainly close the topic and/or ban the service provider. Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands by posting belligerent messages or threatening the service provider. If you feel the need to contact them, do it directly via whatever contact information they provided to you (i.e. their "support site"). We can appreciate how frustrating it may be to receive a service differing from what you expected, but as our Marketplace Guidelines clearly state, any services purchased are done so at your own risk. Any user found to be in breach of our guidelines will be locked out of our Marketplace indefinitely. We will not be issuing anymore warnings or reminders.
    1 point
  4. Hello WebFlakians! More and more people started asking questions about webflake's change of domain. To give a little more information, i wanted to make this topic. Why did we change domains and will the .net domain come back eventually? The .net domain got locked and marked "inactive" at our domain's registrar. This means that someone filed an official complaint and our domain, breaching the registrars terms of service, was forced to be put down. They also will not co-operate in redirecting it to our new domain, meaning that we have pretty much lost rankings in search engines and so on. The .net, as it stands now, will not be coming back online. What can you do to help WebFlake? First and foremost, thanks to all of our wonderful donators we could immediately purchase a new domain and make changes to our server's dns zone file as fast as possible. For now, please help us re-spread the word about webflake and mention that it is now housed on the .sx domain instead of the .net domain. If you have any friends or people you know that visit webflake, let them know! In the meantime our system is processing a bulk mail to all members, stating that we moved addresses. Thanks for reading and supporting us! - WebFlake Team
    1 point
  5. I think there is a 3rd party application that you can install to swap them out, i think that one should work. But the one by IPBForumskins is really bad, and buggy. All he does is blaming it on ipb themself. I'm no graphic artist, but i tried xD
    1 point
  6. I'm not sure but if you making a page I would assume it would be made by html so all you need are tags and possible css to move to the right position. html would be <img> image link here </img>
    1 point
  7. Disable your fucking adblock you cheap ass piece of crap.
    -1 points
  8. We have a topic available for questions regarding our Marketplace (it's been there since we opened that section)... http://webflake.sx/topic/6371-have-questions-about-our-marketplace/ Post your question there and I'll be happy to address it. I will say now though, that I'm not sure what it is you're having trouble understanding with the Guidelines.
    -1 points
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