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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2013 in all areas

  1. Disable your fucking adblock you cheap ass piece of crap.
    3 points
  2. Just a quick reminder: If you intend to actively participate in our Marketplace, either as a service provider or customer, please familiarize yourself with our Marketplace Guidelines. Specifically, flaming and trolling will not be tolerated. If you believe a service rendered was really a scam, please report the topic to Staff with additional information in the report. We cannot recover any lost investments / funds, but we can certainly close the topic and/or ban the service provider. Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands by posting belligerent messages or threatening the service provider. If you feel the need to contact them, do it directly via whatever contact information they provided to you (i.e. their "support site"). We can appreciate how frustrating it may be to receive a service differing from what you expected, but as our Marketplace Guidelines clearly state, any services purchased are done so at your own risk. Any user found to be in breach of our guidelines will be locked out of our Marketplace indefinitely. We will not be issuing anymore warnings or reminders.
    1 point
  3. Hi I heard many great things about this community and just had to join, im new to the internet world and im here to make my mark! nice to meet you all, see you guys around the web!
    1 point
  4. We have a topic available for questions regarding our Marketplace (it's been there since we opened that section)... http://webflake.sx/topic/6371-have-questions-about-our-marketplace/ Post your question there and I'll be happy to address it. I will say now though, that I'm not sure what it is you're having trouble understanding with the Guidelines.
    1 point
  5. Well I plan on using IP.Boards for the forum software no matter what. It is by far the best forum software I have encountered and (one of) the easiest to find resources for (kind of lol). I was mainly just questioning the CMS properties and abilities of IP.Content vs Wordpress. I may try and utilize IP.Content and then if it doesnt work out, fall back onto wordpress
    1 point
  6. Hi there, First of all, this isn't a problem with the site nor is it a problem your end. The reason for the gap is because an Ad is usually displayed there but as the advert isn't showing on your screen I presume you have some sort of browser extension which blocks ads. What should usually be displayed: I hope this has cleared everything up for you. I'm going to lock this thread to prevent any unnecessary posts, if you need any help on this matter feel free to PM me. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
  7. Why do you want to copy our style is what i'm wondering. Make your own.
    1 point
  8. The Marketplace is a huge asset to the community. Dozens of legitimate services have been rendered, and it's offered veteran members the option of selling additional freelance services separate from the free work they do in our Support forums. Users are free to submit constructive testimonials on the service(s), which helps promote fair marketing. I'll agree that we used to have a lot of lousy work being provided but by adding the Marketplace, competition has cropped up and more users are walking away satisfied than before. Conflicts will happen with or without the Marketplace. The difference is, the Marketplace is available with a disclaimer and a waiver of liability, whereas previously, we were unable to keep track of services rendered privately. The Marketplace also allows us to monitor services based on public feedback. We've actually discussed implementing a mandatory review, but the reality is, we can't possibly know if the service being offered is a scam until it actually happens (let's hope it never comes to that). We can spend hours Googl'ing example work provided in the service thread, or scanning their website (if one is provided), but it won't do any good against users intelligent enough to put together a clean and legitimate-looking topic.
    0 points
  9. The marketplace is one of the worse ideas Webflake has ever come up with. Conflicts are bound to happen due to the lack of quality services some members provide. Seems to me, a review is needed to weed out scammers from non scammers before these ads are posted.
    0 points
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