The Importance of Descriptive Titles
It's important to let your users know that you want them to use descriptive titles.
Google loves titles and especially when you're using the friendly URLs this is important.
Search engines like Google can't do much with a topic titled "Hey" or "Team" or "error".
Sure, it will be indexed but think about the thousands (if not millions) of other topics,
pages, blogs etc. with a post or content that has "Hey" or "Team" or "error" in them.
Why do you want descriptive titles? For targeted searches, plus you'll reach a much bigger
audience and get higher rankings for that specific title. Let's take an example: If your topic title is "Help Me", your fURL would be: person using google typing in "Help Me" will not find your website, because there are millions
of other sites that have a topic called "Help Me" and since your site does not have a high pagerank (at least, not so high that u will rank 1st on "Help Me") you will not be in the first results page.
The solution would be to let users use descriptive titles, like in the example below: Users should use a descriptive title like "Help Me with Installing IPB Modifications", so your fURL would be: are that there's not that many forums with topics about this specific thing, but still
there are many people wanting to know how to install IPB modifications and need help with it.
So if they would google "Help me with installing IPB modifications", your site is more likely
to pop-up in the search results. But trust me, this won't happen in a flash.
It takes time for search engines to index your site, and as your site is building up content
search engines will start to value it and index it higher over time. But this is based on a lot
more factors than just a descriptive title. I hope you know a little bit more now.
So, descriptive titles are important for search engines, but are not the only factor. Start out
using descriptive titles in your topics and telling your users to use them too, will definitely
improve your site's quality. Visitors want to see what a topic is about without doing much work.