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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2013 in all areas

  1. Just to add onto what Verified said above, you don't have to uninstall it, disabling the hook should be fine.
    1 point
  2. Well on that page that i posted above says "Meta Description" So i would of thought entering something in that box would resolve the error...
    1 point
  3. Its easy.. In you admin panel : Go to Settings > System Settings Then go to Forums Tab > Topics, Polls and Posts Find : Showing posts > NO of posts per topic page : and set the value to 5 By default it would be 20 You're done. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
    1 point
  4. Simple bro. Go to Other apps>IPB Shoutbox>Settings> Hook : Global Shoutbox And in location settings select : This should do the trick Best of luck
    1 point
  5. Yes as Mr. Wishbone said, you could do it by the two way. Here : 1st by editing .htaccess : add this code : Redirect /index.php http://example.com/forums/ or you could also keep it as Wishbone said : Redirect /index.html http://example.com/forums/ you could keep either index.html or index.php doesn't really matter. 2nd : cPanel In your cpanel, browse to Domains > Redirects Then select the domain you want to redirect (by default it would be "**All Public Domains**") : Just select the domain you want, or leave it as it is if you don't have any other domains in your hosting. and enter the domain it should be redirect to below it. Note : Remember to select the redirection option of www.redirection : Its clearly written what every option means. So no need to explain. And Wild card will redirect all files within a directory to the same filename in the redirected directory. So upto you to do it or not. Hope this helps
    1 point
  6. Those buttons are just built in the skin that webflake are using. (A modified version of Shift) http://www.ipbforumskins.com/premade/shift/ To add social networking buttons onto the header of your skin, i have found the following coding: Step 1. Open your Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Global Templates > GlobalTemplate. Step 2: Find: <if test="canSearch:|:$this->memberData['g_use_search'] && $this->settings['allow_search']">{parse template="quickSearch" group="global" params=""}</if> Step 3: Add Below: <ul class='ipsList_inline right' style='margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 30px;'><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='http://twitter.com/{twitter username}' title='Latest news and updates at twitter'><img src='{link to twitter icon}' alt='twitter' /></a></li><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='http://www.youtube.com/user/{youtube username}' title='View my Youtube videos'><img src='{link to youtube icon}' alt='youtube' /></a></li><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='https://plus.google.com/{google plus id}' title='View our Google Plus page'><img src='{link to your google plus icon}' alt='googleplus' /></a></li></ul> Save Template. Now you'll need to replace where I've stated {twitter username} or {link to youtube icon} with your own social media usernames and social media icons. In different skins you may need to adapt the padding or margin to fit better with your skin. I don't take credit for the coding above. Alternatively you could use ProMenu () and add a facebook/twitter/youtube button onto your nav bar and include a small logo onto the button. Or you could use the following hook to have the social networking buttons added to your site. Thanks.
    1 point
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