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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2013 in all areas

  1. This tutorial will show you that how you can change the title " Google Site Search " in the Google search hook to anything you want. I know that there is already a tutorial about how to change it through Mysql query, but for some users it doesn't work or they are not able to execute it that well or their Mysql version doesn't support that command and they don't have the knowledge to alter it accordingly. Below is the method to achieve it through source code, easy and effective. From your admin cp, go to Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in "Your Skin" > under Global Templates > imGoogleSearch > You will find something like this here: <li class='special'> <label for='s_google' title='Google'> <input type='radio' name='search_app' value="google" class='input_radio' id='s_google' /> {$this->lang->words['context_search_google']} </label></li>Replace this --> {$this->lang->words['context_search_google']} <-- with any word you want.Then hit save and you are done! Note: Do not forget to clear your browser's cache.
    1 point
  2. Try replacing default_thumb.png as well. If it still hasn't changed you will have "Allow users to use Gravatars" set as "Yes" You will need to set this as "No" Go to: System > System Settings > Members > User Profiles > Scroll down to "Allow users to use Gravatars" and set it to "No" Like the image below. Thanks, Matt
    1 point
  3. I agree with FaTaL, i would uninstall IP.Board and Reinstall a fresh new upload that has been tested. Take a backup of your board and then re-install from the download below.
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone, My first post. I'm starting a forum and it will be my first experience here. Its good to be part of this
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Welcome to webflake the one stop shop for all your needs :)but seriously welcome man#Shenmue
    1 point
  8. startssl is free however there free certs are not verified by all browsers such as google chrome and some people will be hit with the untrusted certificate error just buy a cheap ssl cert from cheapssls.com and youll be sorted although you only need ssl if your selling not for a forum
    1 point
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