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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Or.. you can simply turn put the community in offline mode, and only grant access to specific member groups.
    1 point
  2. Hi there, I'm Digory and I'm glad to be here! I first was interested in running my own forums for people I was playing Ultima Online with. It came out before World of Warcraft and all that. My searches eventually led me to vBulletin, but I never got my own vb until I was done with UO. Well, I have done extensive theming and mild modifications to openBB, phpbb, vb 3 and 4, and even a little ipb (back when it looked very different, I am not even sure what version we were at). I'm in the planning process for a community site for my hometown/band. It'll hopefully be to promote us as well as be a hub for people into the same sort of music in our city. You guys seem to have a lot of great resources here, so I'm stoked!
    1 point
  3. How about this? I'm off to bed now, if you want it send me a PM and get you the PSD tomorrow.
    1 point
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