1. you can change the header color in the ipb_styles.css template find; #branding {and change the background: #2d333b;to what ever hex color code you are wanting the branding color to be. 2. You can manage the social bar in the _ipbfsConfig and the globalTemplate. in the globalTemplate you can find it by copy/pasting in the browser search the code below; <div id='socialButtons' class='rightthe code above, will take you straight to the section in the globalTemplate you need to be to edit the social bars and so on. 3. to change the horizontal design in topic view you will need to go into the following templates and change the following code; <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='yes'"></if>and change the yes to a no. These are the following templates you are going to need to do this in. userinfopanetopicViewTemplatepost4. first of all to change the logo you need to go to the _ipbfsConfig and change the textLogo to no instead of yes, then upload you're logo, easily done. 5. If you send me a personal message with you're forum link and admincp account I can sort it for you since I did provide what was meant to be done, but you didn't understand. 6. you can restrict that very easily. for example. you need to rap the brush icon code in the globalTemplate with an if statement. so for example here is the code. <if test="in_array( $this->memberData['member_group_id'], array( '3','6','7' ) )"><if test="$this->settings['themeEditor']=='yes'"><li><a href="#" id='toggleThemeEditor' title="Toggle Theme Editor"><img src="{style_images_url}/toggleThemeEditor.png" alt="" /></a></li></if></if>and this code will make the brush icon only display to the groups 3, 6 & 7 you will need to change the numbers, to the numbers of the groups you want it to show to If you need any help upon these things, or don't understand like I said just contact me via personal message.