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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2013 in all areas

  1. Our shoutbox rules have been updated to prohibit the posting of support topic links. We've found that too many users are simply spamming their support link (or requests) repeatedly throughout the day. Couple that with a handful of users insistent on asking what they refer to as "general questions" in the shoutbox, and we've decided it'd be much easier to eliminate any form of support discussion in the shoutbox. [*]Do not post links to support or request topics in the shoutbox [*]Do not ask "general questions". Post them in the appropriate forum [*]Do not make requests in the shoutbox (such as "can anyone rip X skin?") Users found to be violating these rules may have their shoutbox privileges revoked. The shoutbox is here for community interaction.. to chat about off-topic subjects, such as sports, games, etc.
    1 point
  2. These are recurring issues that made ForumCore/WebFlake do away with the shoutbox in the first place. Members seem to have short term memory loss.
    1 point
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