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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2013 in all areas

  1. 1. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate 2. Find: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td> 3. Replace With: <td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['topics']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['topics']}</span></td><td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['posts']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['replies']}</span></td> 4. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > CSS > ipb_styles.css 5. Add: .nstatsNumber, .nstatsText {display: block;text-align: center;color: black;line-height: 23px;text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 16px;}.nstatsText {color: black;font-size: 11px;} Before: After:
    1 point
  2. I was originally going to make a hook for this, and I got quite far with it too. But, I ran into a few problems and just couldn't get it to work. So I'm making a tutorial for it. Please note: This was done on the default IPB skin. This may be different for you, depending on the skin you're using. 1) Go to your ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> globalTemplate. Find this: {parse template="includeJS" group="global" params="$jsModules"} {parse template="includeFeeds" group="global" params="$documentHeadItems"} {parse template="includeRTL" group="global" params=""} {parse template="includeVars" group="global" params="$header_items"} Add this code above it: <script type='text/javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src="{style_images_url}/boardwidth.js"></script> 2) Go to your ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> CSS -> ipb_styles.css. Find this: #content, .main_width { margin: 0 auto; /* Uncomment for fixed */ /*width: 980px;*/ /* Fluid */ width: 87% !important; min-width: 960px;} Change it to this: #content, .main_width { margin: 0 auto; /* Uncomment for fixed */ width: 980px; /* Fluid */ /*width: 87% !important;*/ min-width: 960px;} And save. 3) Go back to your globalTemplate and find this: <if test="showhomeurl:|:$this->settings['home_url'] AND $this->settings['home_name']"> Add this code above it: <li class='right widthSwitch'><a href="#">Change Width</a></li> Note: You can place a link for this anywhere you want, I'm just using this location for tutorial purposes. 4) Now, you're going to code and paste the following code into Notepad or anything you prefer, and save it as "boardwidth.js". Here is the code: Then go to your FTP -> public_html -> public -> style_images -> (Your skin name). Then upload the boardwidth.js file in that folder. And you're done! A smooth board width changer, made with jQuery. This saves a cookie in your web browser, so each time you visit, it will be the same as the last time you visited ( until you clear your cookies ). Remember that the instructions may be a bit different depending on what skin you're using. If you need help adding this to your board, just leave me a PM and I will reply whenever I read it.
    1 point
  3. Not sure if I understand the question but in the ACP > Members > Member Groups > Manage Member GroupsCan view online user lists?Check it if you want the guests to see it. Uncheck it if you don't want them to see it.
    1 point
  4. I have a chihuahua dotson mix, here is a picture of mine Sorry for big picture just took it out of my camera threw it in lightroom and didn't think about editing the size.
    1 point
  5. As Justin stated above, If the the rules dont suit you then use Alt f4, and do not return. Staf here are to police the stated rules, should members not like the rules then why not just fade into the past? I for 1, appreciate the time spent by staff and will stick to the rules laid down. To ALL staff members, thank you very much.
    1 point
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