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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2013 in all areas

  1. To change the default colour scheme of Shift, follow these steps. The new default colour will only apply to members who have not chosen their own colour scheme (ie. new visitors, new browsers or cleared cookies). 1. Open /public/style_images/shift/js/ipbforumskins.js 2. Find: $("#stylePrimary").replaceWith('<style id="stylePrimary" type="text/css">' + customMainElements + '{ background-color: #55728b }' + customMainText + '{ color: #55728b } </style>');Change both instances of #55728b to your new primary colour. Next, find and edit: $("#styleSecondary").replaceWith('<style id="styleSecondary" type="text/css">' + customElements + '{ background-color: #55728b }' + customText + '{ color: #55728b } </style>');Change both instances of #55728b to your new secondary colour.
    1 point
  2. I decided to make my own i didnt think you were making me one and this is the kind i was after
    1 point
  3. Finished. You also needed to change this one .ipsSideBlock h3 { color: #033551; margin: 0; }
    1 point
  4. If you have a IPBForum Skin its under with Global Template or Board Index. If your using another theme other than one from IPBForum Skin Search Guest Message
    1 point
  5. You should have been more clear so you could have been understood as none of the responders knew what you wanted until this post. My responses were correct for the information given. But be assured I will not attempt to aid you any more. I accept your mandate.
    0 points
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