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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2013 in all areas

  1. Welcome, everyone, to a new and improved WebFlake! We started with these changes to improve upon a few things that we've been looking at for quite a while. For the sake of readability i'm going to break down what we did in a few sections. Here we go: Updated Stuff =============================================================================================== New Forums We added new forums, removed old forums and changed existing ones to make for a clearer overall website. It should now be easier to understand where to post your topic if you want to and the descriptions have been rewritten for some of the forums aswell, to explain what and what not to post in that section. Award Badges We have also added post achievements and award badges that you can earn by posting and uploading. We're adding more badges in the upcoming few days for special things such as donating, tutorials and more to give credit to the users for contributing to our website. Improve navigation of downloads To improve navigation of downloads and files, we re-added versioning and categorization back on the main forums. This should make it easier to navigate through and while we encourage you use the downloads system and search for the respective application, skin, release or whatever, some users may still want to browse the forums. New Style We're using a slightly customized version of Shift on WebFlake right now. I'm not sure if me or para have time to go for a complete custom skin, but if there's going to be one we will be sure to let you know. For now: deal with it. Marketplace The Marketplace is where you can sell, trade, hire or look to buy things or services. This includes but is not limited to selling your site set-up services, hosting services, freelance services or simply asking someone to fix your broken forum installation for a few bucks. WordPress After being requested a bazillion times, we've finally added a wordpress section on the website for you WP fans. Uploaders Is a new group that people get moved into after they've actively been uploading files to WebFlake. They will be recognized as trusted uploaders and some of them will have nulled versions of specific software released exclusively to WebFlake. =============================================================================================== I've found a bug, eeeek! =============================================================================================== Do not fear, if you've found a bug you can easily report it by sending me a Personal Message. Easy as that! Thanks everyone for continuously sending in your suggestions, it really improves the website. The feedback contest did not work out too well though and instead we've taken general suggestions made by multiple people. If you were expecting to win the feedback contest or wrote something specifically for the contest you would have otherwise not written, you are one greedy person . Anyways, thanks a ton again for being a member here and participating. We may have more exciting stuff planned, but that's for another day. For now: Enjoy! ~ WebFlake Team ~ Phun, Paradiizee
    1 point
  2. Ok yours has a lot of components. So you will have to change the code to get the result you want by trial and error. find <foreach loop="categories:$cat_data as $_data">change to <foreach loop="categories:$cat_data as $keyCat => $_data"><php>if((($keyCat)%2)==0){$color='style="background-color: lightgreen;"';}else{$color='style="background-color: lightblue;"';}</php>find <table class='ipb_table' summary="{$this->lang->words['forums_in_cat']} '{$_data['cat_data']['name']}'"> <tr class='header hide'> <th scope='col' class='col_c_icon'>&nbsp;</th> <th scope='col' class='col_c_forum'>{$this->lang->words['cat_name']}</th> <if test="$this->settings['removeStatsColumn']=='no'"><th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>{$this->lang->words['stats']}</th></if> <if test="canSeeLastInfoHeader:|:$this->memberData['gbw_view_last_info']"><th scope='col' class='col_c_post'>{$this->lang->words['last_post_info']}</th></if> </tr>Change to <table class='ipb_table' {$color} summary="{$this->lang->words['forums_in_cat']} '{$_data['cat_data']['name']}'"> <tr class='header hide'> <th scope='col' class='col_c_icon'>&nbsp;</th> <th scope='col' class='col_c_forum'>{$this->lang->words['cat_name']}</th> <if test="$this->settings['removeStatsColumn']=='no'"><th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>{$this->lang->words['stats']}</th></if> <if test="canSeeLastInfoHeader:|:$this->memberData['gbw_view_last_info']"><th scope='col' class='col_c_post'>{$this->lang->words['last_post_info']}</th></if> </tr>You also have these classes class='col_c_icon' , class='col_c_forum' , class='col_c_stats stats' and class='col_c_post' all through the template. You can add the {$color} after each until you get your desired effect.
    1 point
  3. Welcome to the WebFlake!
    1 point
  4. u can increase. goto acp> system settings> forum tab> topic posts and polls> maximum images
    1 point
  5. Where is the rest of it?? Parts are missing...
    1 point
  6. Put your boardindextemplate in a spoiler in a bbcode. Your skin is too different than mine to guess.
    1 point
  7. Hey, i've lowered it to 10 seconds a day or two ago. 30 Seconds was indeed a bit high. It was mostly to balance out load on our server.This idea was used on the site and has earned you the Feather of Feedback. Thanks!
    1 point
  8. Guest


    Kupujem cod mw2 gift na steamu
    -1 points
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