Thanks Admin for Approval and motivation.
Also if i do any mistakes please correct me, i already have 2 warning points due to my carelessness.
Thanks again
1 Basics of programming concepts
* Php is a serverside programming language.
* Programming languages has its own special rules n special words that it uses , it tells comps / servers what to do, Eg of programming languages are java, php, ruby, pearl, etc.
* Why do we have so many programming languages.
We have different dedicated vehicles like trucks, buses, bikes, etc to do specific works like wise we use different programing language to do specific tasks.
* Php was designed to create database-driven websites (Dynamic websites).
* Most programming languages
- Have a specialty - something its really good at.
- Can do many things other languages can do.
Eg : We can create dynamic sites even using pearl but php is best suited for this job.
* Once uve learnt one programming language like php, u would have learnt a lot about lot other languages, php has lot in common with pearl, java, ruby n so on. Learning php make ur path to learning other programming languages easier.
2. Difference Between Serverside n Clientside Programming Languages.
- PHP, ASP, JSP, Colfusion are serverside programming languages, which means all processes related to it run on the server ( Webhost ).
* Engines in server side are just programs, A PHP engine is just a program in server that understands and processes php code from browser and sends back processed data as a html code page to the server.
Eg : When u click a .php page browser sends the request to server -> server sends the request to PHP engine -> Php engine understands the php codes, interprets / Processes it and sends simple html code page to the server -> The page is sent to our browser.
Same happens with .asp or any other server side program pages, only difference is that server sends them to their appropriate Program engine located in server.
* Due to this if u try to view the source of a php site ull only see html codes not php codes
- JavaScript is a Clientside programming languages which means All processes run on your browser in computer / gadgets.
3 Setting up ur pc to test PHP Files
If u just open ur created php file directly without installing any of the below steps, the browser will just show the raw php code since php is a server side language and needs a php engine to interpret it to html suited for browsers. You can test ur created php examples in different ways, Just Google the 1st or 2nd programs below they are free to download. 1. Mac users can use XAMPP. 2. Windows users can use WAMP. 3. Or u can just upload ur files to ur Webhost. * I would suggest u to install either XAMPP or WAMP which is easy for testing / learning purposes, Since im using windows ill be using WAMP. * After installing XAMPP or WAMP, double click the installed program to run it, check ur taskbars notification area, youll see a new green color icon meaning WAMP is up n Running now. * XAMPP users have to drop ur php files in xampphtdocs folder. * WAMP users have to drop ur php files in c:wampwww - u can create folders inside www folder for separate testing projects. - After Wamp has started, Open ur browser and go to url, itll open the homepage of Wampserver. - All ur Project folders in c:wampwww folder will appear under Your Projects in home page of Wampserver, u can click the folder of any project to view / execute / test the php file in it.