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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2013 in all areas

  1. As has been alluded to, getting caught with an application (one of their most expensive ones) without a license for it, even if you have a license for the board software, is your own fault. You can't fault IPS for suspending your account. Evidently you were reported or made a mistake (presumably while using one of their hosting accounts based on the email you received). In most circumstances, IPS will ignore "piracy" unless it's a site like WebFlake. Gaming communities using their software really only generates interest, not a loss of profit.
    1 point
  2. Welcome to Webfalke enjoy this wonderful site
    1 point
  3. Moving this to answered.The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
  4. Yes thats very normal, happens on all my boards.
    1 point
  5. Did you try something bigger? like 150 MB
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. FTP > [your forum patch] > config_global.phpFind <?phpand add below ini_set('memory_limit','128M');
    1 point
  8. Alright, just informing you guys because I noticed it.
    1 point
  9. Wow thats nice of you to work for free just for donations for webflake to come in! Keep it up!!!
    1 point
  10. This topic was created out of necessity, just 24 hours prior to Phun deciding to add the Marketplace. I was not aware that he intended to do so as quickly as he did, otherwise this likely would not have been posted. I am well aware that ripping skins is a service, which is why allowing members to sell the service via PM was a gross violation of our 'no advertising' policy (as well as stepping dangerously close to our Unsolicited PMs policy). Those are some interesting numbers, however. It's interesting you say 90% because only 386 of our 26,860 members have an avatar, and of those 386 users only 3 use the Guy Fawke (ala Anonymous logo). Three users on the entirety of the site. We best be careful, as apparently WebFlake will be brought to its knees by an enormous horde of oppressed peoples. This isn't the Cold War Soviet Union.. we have guidelines in place to protect our site and its users. The best part about this site, is it isn't obligatory. Meaning, if you don't like said guidelines, you're free to find a new 'home'. Having said that, it's important to note that sending Private Messages to users who have not solicited them, is still a violation of our Community Guidelines. We now have a Marketplace - there is no need for requesting services via PM. I have no interest in reading further inane and egregious, close-minded material, therefore.. Topic locked.
    1 point
  11. Hello everyone I'm Slade and i know this has been done before but i just wanted to show what i could do. I'm not releasing this. So don't ask if you want it. The members that joined on it are just my friends and were looking at the site. Just tell me what you think. This is one of the forum page pictures. This is where the topics are held This is the topic
    1 point
  12. Example of what it will look like: http://imsanctuary.info/rainbow.html I've only tested this on IPB 3.4.2, but I'm sure it will work with earlier version and later versions. Let me know if it doesn't though. Step 1) Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > globalTemplate. Place the following code near the bottom of your globalTemplate. I put mine above the <!-- ::: Footer ::: --> part of the globalTemplate. The code: Once you put that code somewhere in there, click 'Save', then head over to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups. Click on the group you want to use the rainbow username style on. For the group prefix, use this: <span name="Rainbow"> For the group sufix, use this: </span> Click on 'Complete Edit' and you're done! Enjoy!
    1 point
  13. Hello everyone, just thought I would make a post here about something I am currently working on. Many of you know of TTG probably and it's $400 design that no one seems to be able to convert to other forum softwares 'successfully', and I say successfully because I have seen a few improper rips out there, but I want to show you a correct rip I am working on for IP.Board. Current Status: Forums Completed, Working on Editors and Members I probably won't release it on WebFlake after seeing some of the issues after TTGv3 was released, and taken down a few days later due to a lot of issues with the owners of TTG I believe. And I also probably wont release (for free) because this is a pain in the butt to convert, lots of edits are required. Images: And for anyone wondering how it says I am not logged in but Piracy is online, its because I use Firefox but I have to use Google Chrome to screenshot the whole page. So I am not logged in on Chrome.
    1 point
  14. Rhett BuckHello, I also noticed that you have nexus installed, I have suspended your site for piracy as you don't have a license for nexus. Please let us know where you obtained nexus from, and why it's on your site without a license? Thank you Regards, Rhett Hosting & Support Manager Invision Power Services Inc __________________________________________ See that? That's when I was with invisionpower.And the best part is... I never even installed Nexus on my server.But do I care? nope. Invision Power is gay!lol ​Has this ever happened to any of you guys? if so, please do tell.
    -1 points
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