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Welcome, everyone, to a new and improved WebFlake! We started with these changes to improve upon a few things that we've been looking at for quite a while. For the sake of readability i'm going to break down what we did in a few sections. Here we go: Updated Stuff =============================================================================================== New Forums We added new forums, removed old forums and changed existing ones to make for a clearer overall website. It should now be easier to understand where to post your topic if you want to and the descriptions have been rewritten for some of the forums aswell, to explain what and what not to post in that section. Award Badges We have also added post achievements and award badges that you can earn by posting and uploading. We're adding more badges in the upcoming few days for special things such as donating, tutorials and more to give credit to the users for contributing to our website. Improve navigation of downloads To improve navigation of downloads and files, we re-added versioning and categorization back on the main forums. This should make it easier to navigate through and while we encourage you use the downloads system and search for the respective application, skin, release or whatever, some users may still want to browse the forums. New Style We're using a slightly customized version of Shift on WebFlake right now. I'm not sure if me or para have time to go for a complete custom skin, but if there's going to be one we will be sure to let you know. For now: deal with it. Marketplace The Marketplace is where you can sell, trade, hire or look to buy things or services. This includes but is not limited to selling your site set-up services, hosting services, freelance services or simply asking someone to fix your broken forum installation for a few bucks. WordPress After being requested a bazillion times, we've finally added a wordpress section on the website for you WP fans. Uploaders Is a new group that people get moved into after they've actively been uploading files to WebFlake. They will be recognized as trusted uploaders and some of them will have nulled versions of specific software released exclusively to WebFlake. =============================================================================================== I've found a bug, eeeek! =============================================================================================== Do not fear, if you've found a bug you can easily report it by sending me a Personal Message. Easy as that! Thanks everyone for continuously sending in your suggestions, it really improves the website. The feedback contest did not work out too well though and instead we've taken general suggestions made by multiple people. If you were expecting to win the feedback contest or wrote something specifically for the contest you would have otherwise not written, you are one greedy person . Anyways, thanks a ton again for being a member here and participating. We may have more exciting stuff planned, but that's for another day. For now: Enjoy! ~ WebFlake Team ~ Phun, Paradiizee2 points
I was originally going to make a hook for this, and I got quite far with it too. But, I ran into a few problems and just couldn't get it to work. So I'm making a tutorial for it. Please note: This was done on the default IPB skin. This may be different for you, depending on the skin you're using. 1) Go to your ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> globalTemplate. Find this: {parse template="includeJS" group="global" params="$jsModules"} {parse template="includeFeeds" group="global" params="$documentHeadItems"} {parse template="includeRTL" group="global" params=""} {parse template="includeVars" group="global" params="$header_items"} Add this code above it: <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript' src="{style_images_url}/boardwidth.js"></script> 2) Go to your ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> CSS -> ipb_styles.css. Find this: #content, .main_width { margin: 0 auto; /* Uncomment for fixed */ /*width: 980px;*/ /* Fluid */ width: 87% !important; min-width: 960px;} Change it to this: #content, .main_width { margin: 0 auto; /* Uncomment for fixed */ width: 980px; /* Fluid */ /*width: 87% !important;*/ min-width: 960px;} And save. 3) Go back to your globalTemplate and find this: <if test="showhomeurl:|:$this->settings['home_url'] AND $this->settings['home_name']"> Add this code above it: <li class='right widthSwitch'><a href="#">Change Width</a></li> Note: You can place a link for this anywhere you want, I'm just using this location for tutorial purposes. 4) Now, you're going to code and paste the following code into Notepad or anything you prefer, and save it as "boardwidth.js". Here is the code: Then go to your FTP -> public_html -> public -> style_images -> (Your skin name). Then upload the boardwidth.js file in that folder. And you're done! A smooth board width changer, made with jQuery. This saves a cookie in your web browser, so each time you visit, it will be the same as the last time you visited ( until you clear your cookies ). Remember that the instructions may be a bit different depending on what skin you're using. If you need help adding this to your board, just leave me a PM and I will reply whenever I read it.2 points
1. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate2. Find: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td>3. Replace With: <td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['topics']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['topics']}</span></td><td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['posts']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['replies']}</span></td>4. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > CSS > ipb_styles.css5. Add: .nstatsNumber, .nstatsText {display: block;text-align: center;color: #acacac;line-height: 23px;text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 16px;}.nstatsText {color: #d5d5d5;font-size: 11px;}2 points
Evarni is right, a lot of the stuff we had in place was because at the time we introduced those, some dark stuff was going on. We tried to protect innocent members by putting some extra measures in place2 points
1 point
Send info Star, thanks again i am transferring money tomorrow to my Paypal from my bank since i need to deposit my check to my bank then transfer to my Paypal account. Then will be donating to webflake so it can stay up and have new stuff later in the future for the forums.1 point
Wow thats nice of you to work for free just for donations for webflake to come in! Keep it up!!!1 point
Forget the partners. That's going to be nothing but a headache in most instances. If you get a partner, it is best if it is someone that you know and trust. Instead, concentrate on two things - 1. Original site content - Whether you're using advertising or donations as your source of income, neither will work at all unless you give people a reason to visit your site. The primary way of doing this is by adding original site content. You have to add content every day. Hell, it's best if you add content every hour. Still, it's not enough to just add the content . . you also have to - 2. Promote site content - When you add content, make sure you promote it. I have found that the best way of promoting is via Google+ and StumbleUpon. Depending what type of site/content you have, it may also help you to advertise on Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Facebook etc. The most important thing is to advertise your content, not your site.1 point
Acp > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates > Global Templates > globalTemplate add it before this line <!-- ::: MAIN CONTENT AREA ::: -->1 point
I would like to change this rule now that the marketplace is here, more details soon1 point
1 point
Thanks, I didn't think that a passing mention of one's forum was considered advertising. Oh well, thanks for letting me know.1 point
1 point
Personally I prefer it the way it is, and a lot of other skins have it setup like this too. It reminds me too much of SMF or phpBB the way you want it. Not one skin is going to please everyone and opinions are like assholes; Everyone has one. But we appreciate hearing what everyone thinks about things.1 point
Thanks to people like you! Many know little share what they know1 point
Hmmm. Looking at all the Guy Fawkes profile pics, I am pretty sure 90% of members disagree, they're just afraid to speak up since bans seems to be a standard to deal with dissenters. Since 100% of websites like this purport to support Occupy and Anonymous, I find it weird that it would go against the principals those movements; principals that so many brothers and sisters suffer and bleed for everyday. I just find it funny that a website designed to facilitate distribution of stolen, nulled and illegal content would try to control its users by threatening to ban them for doing just that. What you are saying here boils down to; "If we can't have a piece of the action, no one can". Glad there is a market place now, maybe this will make thing easier, kindda makes this subject moot now anyways, but thanks for the input. :smiles:0 points
Police state. What happens in PM stays in PM. It would appear that Private Messages are not so private after all on Webflake. Also appears you are attempting to intimidate your members with an iron fist. What you are talking about is censorship and arbitrary repression of individual freedoms. Nulling/ripping is a service not a product Disagree.0 points
-1 points