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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2013 in all areas

  1. It's come to my attention that we're facing a rash of users who are abusing our Private Messaging system in an effort to procure private business for freelance services such as the sale of ripped skins. It's one thing to offer a contribution for fulfillment of a support request (i.e. "help me set up IP.Content"), and then complete the transaction privately. You are not permitted however, to sell ripped skins or any other form of content, nor are you permitted to contact a user privately and request such a service (fee or no fee). Reasoning is simple: you do not own the content, and you are not sharing it publicly. We permit our users to submit ripped skins for general use by anyone within the community. Sending a private message such as "I'll pay you $10 to rip X skin for me" or "I'll rip X skin for you for X dollars" will earn you a warning, or potentially a ban. Habitual offenders will be banned, conversations deleted, and funds may be lost in the process (especially if you never receive the content as a result of your ban). Staff has been discussing the possibility of adding a freelance area, but we have not yet hashed out the details. Feel free to post questions here.
    2 points
  2. Welcome to Webflake! I hope you enjoy your time with us and that you find what you want.
    1 point
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