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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Well Jrock, I'm not good with you know..cracking forums n all. But ya. I'm ready to share whatever I know. After all sharing is caring
    1 point
  2. That is not what I told you to do! <if test="showSubForums:|:$forum_data['show_subforums'] AND count( $forum_data['subforums'] ) AND $forum_data['show_subforums'] AND $_data['cat_data']['id']!=18">
    1 point
  3. Show me the exact code you changed it to.. And what templates did you put the code in?
    1 point
  4. Should have stated that in the beginning. Since all skins are not the same this line may be different. find <if test="showSubForums:|:$forum_data['show_subforums'] AND count( $forum_data['subforums'] ) AND $forum_data['show_subforums']"> change to <if test="showSubForums:|:$forum_data['show_subforums'] AND count( $forum_data['subforums'] ) AND $forum_data['show_subforums'] AND $_data['cat_data']['id']!=??"> Change the ?? to the category number
    1 point
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