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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2013 in all areas

  1. It's interesting that you use this as your basis for not liking WebFlake. You have 20 posts total (including this one), but only 5 display in your content history. Coincidentally, your two oldest posts are copy/paste duplicate spam posts that were posted in two separate download topics. Fifteen missing posts, two obvious spam posts in your content history, and this "feedback" topic, all tells me you likely spammed to make a request (which requires 15 constructive non-spam posts) and they were deleted. Those two remaining spam posts also show they were posted in mid-April, right around the time our Staff team was combating an extreme influx in spammers when we added a post requirement for downloads. The odds of you receiving a warning were slim to none then - it was too much hassle when we had another 50 spam posts to remove immediately after. I find this hard to believe. In all likelihood (based on your wording thus far), you sent a belligerent and demeaning message to one of our team, and they responded in kind (which was the norm in mid-April). You should be thanking your lucky charms that you still maintain a membership here. Posting derogatory and unfounded comments while these "alternatives" are offline, says two things: [*]You're obviously a bit anal. [*]Those "alternatives" are quite terrible based on constant downtime. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
    1 point
  2. I deny all charges about spamming to make a request.I've never needed nor wanted to make a request, so there's really no reason at all to spam.I can explain the double post.This site went down while I was trying to post my thread, so, not knowing it actually got posted, I went back and submitted the same thread again. So this was just an accident. Well, it's actually the first time in months that I've seen either of them going down, and it's just bad luck that they have to go down at the same moment. Overall, I have not met anything but hostility on this site (I did get a nice and useful reply to a support thread today though! That's a first!), and if you'd get aroused by banning me, sure go ahead. I'll be thanking my lucky charms that there are a million alternatives to this site.Regards,Pim
    -1 points
  3. I personally barely ever use WF these days, simply because there are better alternatives, imo. The reason I came back is because of the fact that all my alternatives are being updated and are therefore offline. Why are all the other sites better, according to me? Well, the first and foremost reason is that none of my threads ever got deleted 4 times in a row on the other sites (not even once, actually), while it kept getting deleted (without notifying me, not giving me a chance to change it). When I asked the admin for more info about this, I got a very hostile and aggressive answer, which resulted in my leaving WF for quite some time, up until now, when I have no alternatives. While typing this I got angrier at WF again, so I'll just wait until the alternatives are back online. Regards, Pim P.S.: Have fun deleting this thread!
    -2 points
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