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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2013 in all areas

  1. I've been using Twitter Bootstrap for the current development of a very large project and have found it brilliant to use as an advanced wire frame before we send out our ideas to designers, I'm a coder through and through with little design skills but Bootstrap let me quickly knock up a decent looking "template" whilst I am developing the current project. I'd strongly suggest any developers take a look at it, there is an extensive list of jquery-bootstrap extentions for just about anything, I've provided some urls below for you to take a look at it if you've not already. http://getbootstrap.com/ - The official bootstrap website, extensive documentation and downloads available here. http://bootsnipp.com/ - Here you can get little HTML snippets that you can drop right into your bootstrap based templates, some nice little templates here that can be added to a design in seconds. https://wrapbootstrap.com/ - WrapBootstrap is where you can buy bootstrap themes (css sets for the bootstrap framework) and templates are designed and coded using the bootstrap framework. http://bootswatch.com/ - A fair amount of free bootstrap css themes can be downloaded here, you simply download and replace your bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js to change the whole colour scheme of your site (presuming you've got a design that has been coded with the bootstrap framework). http://bootstraphero.com/the-big-badass-list-of-twitter-bootstrap-resources - This site provides a huge list of available jquery-bootstrap javascript extentions that you can include in your project, I've used plenty of these and always found them very well documented and easy to import.
    1 point
  2. http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5466-raw33-most-viewed-topics/ I tried uploading it, but I kept getting an error even though I was doing it correctly, so I just stopped trying.. EDIT: Never mind, it went through apparently. Here ya go, .
    1 point
  3. there is an option to hide the forum, when creating it.
    1 point
  4. why not just look for the subforum code? and add before the code a <!-- and add this at the end --> this will make the code not show which makes them invisible
    1 point
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