Unless your using agency advertising or private paid advertising you will never make the money you do on adsense anywhere else and that's a fact, plently claim to do but none of them have the client base and competition for advertising like adsense do. One of my sites (which had a private forum for downloads) which is pretty large, made me around £150.00 a month on adsense got banned, since then I moved the forum to another domain and 301'ed it which allowed me to put adsense back on the site; Before this though I tried every advertiser under the sun and in comparison of making £3/4/5/6 a day on adsense i was making more like £0.12 a day, or even $0.01 a day with one company. And you won't find a contextual advertiser anywhere like Google that can provide the level of advert detail (related to on page and the users recent Google searches) anywhere else, others try at contextual advertising and fail. Bing have advertising now, but it's fairly difficult to get approved with them.