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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2013 in all areas

  1. Users who have the hook installed with their IPB 3.4.x package, may have noticed an oddity with their View New Content page (something similar to the image below): If you are experiencing this issue, it is caused by the aforementioned hook. You'll need to make one small edit and you'll be all set. Navigate to: <Your IPB Root>/Hooks/tbGfSkinSearch_xxxxx.php [*]The "xxxxx" substitutes the string of random characters attached to your file. Find this line: $data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf']; ... and replace it with this: /*$data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'];*/ Save your edit, and refresh your page -- fixed! I strongly recommend downloading a copy of the file, making the edit, and then re-uploading it to avoid any issues with the upload. Editing the file inside of FTP programs such as Filezilla is not always efficient. [*]Credits to Paradiizee for working with me to find a fix for this. Be sure to thank him! [*]Please Note: This is only a temporary fix until the hook's original author makes the appropriate updates for full 3.4.x support.
    1 point
  2. Hey everyone So yesterday after designing my site I was needing a drop down and ProMenu was annoying me so I made one like WF. (Credit to WebFlake ) So first things first, is you want to go to ACP -> Look and Feel -> Your Skin -> globalTemplate Once there look for <li id='nav_home' class=''><a href='{$this->settings['home_url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['homepage_title']}' rel="home">{$this->settings['home_name']}</a></li> </if> Under that you want to add this code: <li id="nav_menu_7" class="right skip_moremenu "> <a id="nav_menu_7_trigger" href="#" title="" class="">Other <span class="dropdownIndicator"></span></a> <div id="nav_menu_7_menucontent" class="submenu_container clearfix boxShadow" style="display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 9999; background: #8EE46C;"> <div class="left" style="z-index: 10000;"> <ul class="submenu_links" style="z-index: 10000;"> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff;"><a href="#" title="#" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff; width: auto;">#</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="#" title="#" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff; width: auto;">#</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="#" title="#" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff; width: auto;">#</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="#" title="#" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff; width: auto;">#</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="#" title="#" style="z-index: 10000; color: #fff; width: auto;">#</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){ //$('content').insert( $('nav_menu_7_menucontent').remove() ); new ipb.Menu( $('nav_menu_7_trigger'), $('nav_menu_7_menucontent'), { eventType: 'mouseover', closeOnMouseout: 'nav_menu_7' } ); }); </script> </li> Once you added that you want to go to your ipb_styles and look for : #more_apps_menucontent a, .submenu_container a And from there you can change colours. So, from there to just before breadcrumbs you can edit the colour of Text and the hover. The hover code which you can edit: #more_apps_menucontent li:hover, .submenu_container li:hover Hope you enjoy it If you are having trouble contact me on here or Skype for support (Skype: crimsonsn7 or 0x60000)
    1 point
  3. Hey luke, rebuilding & recounting etc. should work after a few tries. Maybe you can pass me some login data so i can check it out aswell?
    1 point
  4. The skin has no call backs and does not need to be cracked or nulled. If you want to remove the Audentio Design copyright, just find and remove this from the skin's global template. <span class="copyright_row">Skin Crafted by <a href="http://www.audentio.com" title="High quality IPB skins" data-tooltip="High quality IPB skins">Audentio Design.</a></span>
    1 point
  5. Didn't use your referral link because I just typed in the url manually and signed up before I remembered about it lol.. But yeah, seems like a great replacement for Dropbox. Thanks for the info!
    1 point
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