How to minimize spam registrations on your forum
Hello guys, Phun here with another quick tutorial on how to minimize spam registrations on your forum.
You know those pesky spam bots that post ads? With a few quick fixes to your site you can stop them
from registering. Or, at least, most of them.
Step 1. Check if you have CAPTCHA set up
By default it is set-up but you might just wanna take a peek and see if it's done. In the admin CP go to:
System Settings -> System -> Security & Privacy
You can now also check your registration page to see if you indeed have the reCAPTCHA form on there.
Step 2. Set up a Question and Answer challenge
This is something i've done a lot on forums. It presents the person that fills in the form with a question,
which they have to answer. If they get the answer wrong, they can't register, if they get it right: hurrah!
System -> Tools & Settings -> Question & Answer Challenge
Step 3. Require e-mail validation (or manual approval)
This one is optional but also can help a lot in the combat against spambot registrations. You can set
your forum up so that all registrants are placed in a validation group before they can post stuff etc.
System Settings -> System -> Security & Privacy
What you set the incomplete registration validation removal to is up to you, i'd say 7 is a good number.
(Optional) Step 4. Get the StopForumSpam Plugin
StopForumSpam is widely known to keep a huge database with IP addresses and emails of well known
spambots, installing this plugin can surely help you combat spam. It automatically denies registration of
the known spambots so you won't have to worry about a thing.
You can get it here:
And that's it guys, i hope you found this tutorial useful in some way.
© Phun ~ - If you want to share this tutorial, please leave our credits in here.