Hello guys, I'm not new here... But I thought that I would make a late introduction just for the hell of it.My real name is Tori, And Im 17 years old. I am originaly from Sweden but moved to the states to see some more distant family members.I just want to say I love it here (think I'm joking? Come at me bro!~) lol.It's been nice to meet all of you, and you all seem really nice so far :3Thanks for your time.Love- ToriEDIT:Intro for my number 70 post!
When requesting logos, please do not post a topic with "hey, I'm new, make me a logo". Try to elaborate and offer some details on what you'd like the logo to be. Most designers here simply won't have any interest in creating a logo only for it to be passed up by the requester because it didn't meet their standards.
Suggested information:
Color Scheme
Font type (DaFont.com)
Community type (gaming/design/fansite)
Logo size
Text desired
Example logo
Slogan (if applicable)
Animation (if applicable)
Here's an example logo request:
The above example includes most of the suggested variables for the request.
Logo requests that are vague will be locked/discarded.