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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2013 in all areas

  1. Im not saying we have shouldnt have it or that we shouldnt cater for the ethnic groups within the community. All I am saying is that with the rules stating that its an English speaking only site/forum then shouldnt the descriptions at least be so too. It can be in a foreign language too but surely English should also be added?
    2 points
  2. May I ask, what is the point of adding downloads with NO English description at all? I am guessing the download is polish with the [PL] in title and some of the words... well is this community suddenly all polish? I thought there was a rule to use English only? well how come that doesnt count for downloads too? I understand the person wants to put his download here but shouldnt it be translated into English also for other people to fully understand what the download is it? Just saying. Anyways here is the link:
    1 point
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