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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2013 in all areas

  1. FTP > public_html > admin > skin_cp > acp.css That's the CSS file for the ACP (or most of it at least). Little tip: inspect element on what you want to change, and then search for it in the acp.css file.
    1 point
  2. I was not talking from atop a soapbox, as you put it, I was being constructive and truthful, I guess if he reads a few posts on here he will form his own opinion on one of the moderators.
    1 point
  3. I do not think a forum like this needs moderators, maybe just one, as there is not much to moderate, too much moderation has the oppisite effect to what a forum needs, ie members leaving the forum, due to oppressive moderation. Most forums have more mods than members pro rata, and they flop very quickly because of it. Forums to survive against Facebook these days need to make sure their members feel welcome and are special, not having rules and abuse rammed down their throats for little petty reasons. Give anyone a little bit of power and it goes to their head, how many of you visiting other forums has always found the one or two little Hitlers who spoil the forum. I didnt vote because I cannot see a None answer, a site like this only needs one Moderator.
    1 point
  4. Why not just make everyone on the board a moderator? That's what everyone else seems to do. (sarcasm) OT - once you get content and activity, start out having people moderate only the boards that need it and then work up once you need more moderation.
    1 point
  5. The first thing any new forum needs is good content. If you don't have good content and only a few members, you don't need staff members.
    1 point
  6. Way too general of a question. But generally speaking, a small forum with not many users doesn't need any moderators. What in the heck are they moderating?
    1 point
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