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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Once again, incorrect forum. This topic has been moved to IP.Board Support.START READING FORUM DESCRIPTIONS! It's the same as any other application installation process. I know for a fact documentation is included with the shoutbox package as well. If you're incapable of reading documentation for one of the simplest administrative tasks, then it begs to question why you're even attempting to utilize Invision Power Board. This forum isn't here to teach you the ABCs of forum administration.
    1 point
  2. [*]Log into your ACP [*]Click Smilies [*]Click + Add New Smilie [*]Give the smiley a title, such as "Whistle" [*]Set the Text to Replace, which could be anything from :-0 to ::Whistle:: [*]Note: Whatever value is entered into this field will be replaced by your custom smiley in post content. Image Replacement URL (the location of your smiley sprite sheet or image). [*]default sprite location is: styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-smilies-sprite.png [*]Note: You can also upload a single smiley. Simply enter the URL of the smiley's location in your database, then un-check Sprite Mode, save and you're done. Sprite Mode is enabled. [*]Leave Sprite Dimension untouched.. this is just your smiley's dimensions (18 x 18). Only adjust this value if you're uploading a large custom smiley (set it to that smileys dimensions when you do). [*]The Sprite Position values are the X and Y on the sprite sheet. X is horizontal, while Y is vertical. Smileys on the X axis are 20 pixels away from the next, while smileys on the Y axis are 21 pixels away from the next... so for example.. 0, 0 would be the top left corner, and -80, -126 would be the bottom right corner (which would be the smiley for 'Whistle'). I've created an X, Y axis chart for you, using the default sprite sheet. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  3. You need to be more specific.
    1 point
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