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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2013 in all areas

  1. It is leeching, let's look at it this way:7,462 Members x 15 Downloads x 1MB File = ~111.93 GB Bandwidth Per day So yes they can limit us.
    2 points
  2. There is currently a bug present in IP.Downloads where some users may experience issues when trying to download files with on a downloads system with a restriction in place.We basically can't have ads, download restrictions to promote donations, anything else to promote people to donate?Our site's quality is SO high. We've managed to filter out duplicates, leechers etc. with the systems we have in place. Our staff team is amazing. Our uptime since Forumcore has grown alot. This server basically costs around $60 per month. You get EVERYTHING on this site for free.. skins, releases, mods, apps and even scripts & templates.Having a restriction sucks, i know, but apparently we have to put these in place to stop people from ruining everything.
    2 points
  3. That was an awfully long tirade that ranged from complaining about limits of a free service, to "oh noes, WebFlake will die!" - only for you to change direction in your last post. There is no rash of "bugs" regarding download limits for IP.Downloads - anyone can Google it themselves (it's not even listed in their bug tracker). The real root of the problem is browser addons and sneaky attempts to circumvent download speed restrictions (with the use of accelerators). Threatening to quit a free service for another (which I'd wager any bet that they're not as reputable as you say they are), is both silly and puerile. If these "reputable" sites truly existed, you'd be there, not here. Furthermore, you won't find the same level of support or quality (virus free) content that you find here. Your best option is to contact Paradiizee directly, and perhaps he can work with you to fix the problem. As Chris alluded to, our download limits are in place for logical reasons.
    2 points
  4. It's not a bad idea, there are people who would just come here and leach all the material and possibly start their own site. The download limit is in place to stop people leaching, and taking everything. Its only 24 hours - 15 downloads is more than another for 1 day.
    1 point
  5. To remove the animation, check out To change the image, replace the banner_bg.png file in the image directory (might be a .jpg, I can't remember).
    1 point
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