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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2013 in all areas

  1. I like it but there's some room for improvement. Personally I think the box shadow around the main container is distracting and it makes it look kinda outdated, for lack of a better term. The footer is a cool touch, but the contrast between the background color of the body and the background color of the box is a bit much. The only other thing that I can spot is the clutter at the top. If you need to have a lot of links then keep it, but I don't know if two navigation bars, an image slider, and (oversized) networking links are really necessary in such a small amount of screen real estate. It seems like there might be a more elegant solution than to have so much content there. Not trying to sound like a dick; it's still a solid design. Good luck with whatever you're using it for.
    1 point
  2. When posting a member introduction, you should be trying to make a good first impression. Imagine that you're introducing yourself to an attractive person you might want to date, or a potential employer you might be trying to impress. We have some really well-thought introductions here. But we also have introductions that are nothing more than spam. The same can be said about the replies to the introductions. Your introductions can be brief, but they should actually say something about you. Responses made toward others should be unique and personable (in other words, don't copy/paste replies). When we (the WebFlake staff) review your introductions and replies, we get a pretty good idea whether you're here to be a part of this community - or if you're just here to make 3 posts so you can leech. We don't want leechers . . .
    1 point
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