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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Example of what it will look like: http://imsanctuary.info/rainbow.html I've only tested this on IPB 3.4.2, but I'm sure it will work with earlier version and later versions. Let me know if it doesn't though. Step 1) Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > globalTemplate. Place the following code near the bottom of your globalTemplate. I put mine above the <!-- ::: Footer ::: --> part of the globalTemplate. The code: Once you put that code somewhere in there, click 'Save', then head over to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups. Click on the group you want to use the rainbow username style on. For the group prefix, use this: <span name="Rainbow"> For the group sufix, use this: </span> Click on 'Complete Edit' and you're done! Enjoy!
    1 point
  2. Recently I found this site and wanted to share it with you guys: Copy by Barracuda is offering 15GB of free cloud storage - from what I've seen/used so far it's similar to Dropbox, but not quite the same. So far it's pretty easy to use but still lacking a few features You can get an extra 5GB for signing up via a referral link, and another 2GB for promoting Copy via Twitter.Here's my referral link if you want to sign up: https://www.copy.com/home/?r=c1JuxL&signup=1 - this gives both of us an extra 5GB. (if this is not allowed please remove the link) Non-referral link: https://copy.com Quick note to everyone: This offer does require both email activationand application install for both of us to get 5GB extra space.
    1 point
  3. Found this on another site and thought I'd share it with you.
    1 point
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