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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2013 in all areas

  1. The design it self: http://nullrefer.com/?http://nullrefer.com/?http://www.finalprestige.net/skinning/skinchange.php?id=146 How it was changed: http://forum.CUB3GAMING.net To fit up with: http://CUB3GAMING.net (main page). Also, a smaller version: http://forum.codghostsofficial.com/ What do you think? If i need to improve it in some way, say me it please as i need to make it "perfect". Edit: I have updated it all!
    1 point
  2. From continuation of this post: http://webflake.net/topic/1699-howtoshoutbox-with-nickname-style/ What it does: The above one is the normal one, and the below one is the one that we need! Also, when you place the cursor on the nick, it makes a Popup with info and you can enter to the profile To don't complicate yourself, this one is for [member=membername] (ex. [member=rAv3nzZ]) Go to templates > skin_shoutbox > shout_row and edit: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="{$d['members_display_name']}" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}">@</a>&nbsp; to <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="[member={$d['members_display_name']}]" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}">@</a>&nbsp; If you want you can also add some style to the "@" Where you see the "@" add span style around it like this: <span style="color:#000000"><b>@</b></span> And this one is to make the BBCODE working for ID [member=id] (example [member=1]) ShoutBox template Go to templates > skin_shoutbox > shout_row and edit: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="{$d['members_display_name']}" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}">@</a>&nbsp; to <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="[member={$d['member_id']}]" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}">@</a>&nbsp; If you want you can also add some style to the "@" Where you see the "@" add span style around it like this: <span style="color:#000000"><b>@</b></span> BBCODE part Since the update, IP.Board got 2 types of defaults.php for BBCODES, one is located at 1st - forumadminsourcesclassestextparserbbcodedefaults.php 2nd - forumadminsourcesclassesbbcodecustomdefaults.php We have to edit it in both files to make it work. 1st Search for: 'core', 'displayname' and replace to 'core', 'id' 2nd Search for: 'members_display_name' and replace to 'member_id' Done! Now you got a cool effect! Thanks to Skye for credits and make me believe that my work costs something so i could update this!
    1 point
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